
W.O.D. 9.12.18

"Fight Gone Bad!" 
Three rounds of: 
Wall-ball, 14/20 pound ball, 9/10 ft target (Reps) 
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 55/75 pounds (Reps) 
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps) 
Push-press, 55/75 pounds (Reps) 
Row (Calories)

Scaled version:
Wallball (10/14#) 
Sumo deadlift High Pull 35/55#
20" Box Step-ups
Push Press 35/55#
Row (Calories)

CLICK HERE to compare to (3.29.18)
CLICK HERE to compare to (6.4.18)

 In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

"Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn." 
 - Harriet Beecher Stowe


  1. 12:15 EXP

    Rich A. 335 Rx
    Pam G. 309 SAF
    Jonathan T. 314 Rx
    Pete D. 304 Rx
    Cal A. 270 Rx
    Carl B. 330 Rx
    Meredith H. 225 step ups
    Cherie C. 184 Rx. PR!
    Ina S. 242,35#,sit-ups,10#,step ups
    Farrah G. 108,17”,35#,10#,step ups

  2. 515am

    Many Rx'd this! Many used a sub compensating for a sore spot or injury to be SAFE, also, some scaled this FGB to make it a great intense interval workout that it is---- but ALL got a killer Fight Gone Bad sweaty workout in and made sure to make "every rep count" !

    Holly 268 scaled
    Ben M 240 Rx
    Kat 223 scaled (PR)
    Kevin B 293 Rx
    Laura Smith 274 scaled
    Susan Arn. 233 Rx
    Jaimie 209 scaled 10# wb
    Theresa 292 Rx PR
    Jeremy 325 Rx
    Manisha 217 Rx PR
    Nikki 328 Rx (saved by the Bell wod sub)

    Jafet H 334 Rx
    Mark Chua 240 Rx
    Josh P 255 scaled
    Jeff G 184 scaled
    Colleen 274 (power clean sub for PP)
    Dana D 321 (H power clean sub for sdhp)

    Mak H 259 (10# wb by mistake!)
    Anna 235 (45#)
    Sam B 306 Rx
    Esra 191 Rx
    Alex L 224 Rx
    Delilah 146 scaled

  3. Lea 309rx pr
    Karen m 231 pwr cln
    Raj 242rx
    Danielle g 304rx pr
    Possum 291 Rx pr
    Vinnie 208 rom 4/55lbs
    Alex tu 190rx pr
    Joe c 269rx

  4. Alex th 205rx
    Samson 226rx
    Brian z 187rx
    Syd h 161rx
    Grace a 159rx
    Noel 235rx
    Liz 197 35/10
    Trini 257 25 10 17”
    Gia 190rx
    Joe s 335rx pr
    Jess m 234rx
    Randy 299rx
    Alona 296rx

  5. 630
    Jeff h 259 rx
    Matt e 300 rx
    Tom 222 rx
    Adam s 277 rx
    Dung 177 10#
    Robie 146 (25#,6#,13”)
    Phani 228 14#
    Chak 231 14#
    Steph mc 214 rx
    Caitlin 210 rx
    Jp 332 rx

    Faby 283 rx
    Courtney 269 rx
    Dave 179 (10#, 65#)
    Greg a 216 rx
