
W.O.D. 8.30.18

7 Rounds for Time:
7 Handstand Push- Ups
7 Box Jumps (24/30")
7 Kettlebell Swings (53/70#)

"You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength."
- Marcus Aurelius


  1. 930
    Cate K 8:20 rx
    Jess A 9:58 (sb, rus, step 20")

  2. 6/7am

    Laura Alt. 9:24 Rx
    Theresa 9:14 Rx
    Meg O 6:42 Rx
    Jeremy 11:07 Rx
    Sean S 14:20 Rx
    Dana D 9:06 (35#)
    Jamie S 13:10 scaled/Ring PU/alt
    Colleen 8:30 (RR, 20"box, Russian 35#)
    Justin C 7:54 (ring PU)
    Chip 12:09 scaled
    Becky 13:37 (2abmats, 5 reps/45#)
    Mark S 14:14 --
    Kevin B 8:58 (1abmat, 53#)
    Jeff G 15:00 (25#, 24")
    King 12:45 (1abmat, Russian)
    Josh P 15:30 --

    Ricardo 16:25 Rx
    Mark Ch. 12:08 Rx
    JP 12:09 Rx
    Nikki 8:22 (ring PU)
    Lauren H 10:38 (2abm, 20", Russian)
    Joelle 15:04 (3abm, 30#)
    Rob C 13:52 (RR, 53#, 24")
    Matt D 14:40 (1 strict 20sec.hold, 20", 53#)
    Anna 10:25 (45#, SB, step ups)

  3. Matt t 10:24 trap bar dL + 90/ghd
    Johnatha t 11:27 Rx
    Meredith 9:15 17/44/2abm
    Pam g 7:58 ghd/suitcase dL 53
    Tim h 10:28 push-ups 24 rus
    Pete d 8:46 Rx
    Rich a 8:39 Rx
    Nicole m 11:49 ghd/22/44rus
    Carl b 9:27 Rx
    Kevin t 8:30 53


  4. Anna l 5:27 Rx
    Alicia m 14:06 35 6r
    Josh m 8:09rx
    Julie. 13:26 2abm
    Cal a 11:42 2abm
    Remer 5:21 Rx
    Mike m 10:50 lsp30/53
    Karen m 20/push/rus

  5. Masters
    Krista 7:35 inc push/ 17/25
    Terry 8:40 push 28 35r
    John b 8:45 push-ups/ 20/44r
    Laurie 8:03 inc push/17/20rus

  6. 530
    Andrew (Princess) 13:30 RX bitches
    Jen 12:16 RX
    Joe 10:43 RX
    Shawna 11:30 20in stepup/SDP 20#/45#
    Erika 11:01 45#, stinkbugs
    Noel 15:21 1 ab mat
    Josh 12:46 1 ab mat
    Sam F 10:53 1 ab mat 53#
    Suzanne 8:46 1 ab mat 45#

  7. 630
    Caitlyn b 13:40 (44, 2ab)
    Matt e 12:43 (push ups)
    Mike c 12:07 (2ab, 27”, 53#)
    Adam r 10:59 rx
    Chak 11:47 (box sb, 53)
    Steph c 9:11 (20”, rus 45, 3ab)
    Greg a 13:38 (2ab, 45)
    Jeff h 11:17 (53, box sb)
    Nolan 14:03 (sb, 25#, 20”)

  8. 730
    Alex B 16:20 (20", 2ab, rus)
    Missy 12:13 (20", 3am, 45 rus)
    Emily G 14:20 (sb+ku, 35#,20")
    Hasan 12:35 (53, 2ab)
    Greg H 12:50 (53, rom)
    Dan M 16;48 rus
    Phani 12:03 (sb, 53)
