
W.O.D. 8.20.18

For Time:
100/85 Calorie Row 
75 GHD Sit-Ups 
25 Bar Muscle-Ups 

 "Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence."
- Colin Powell


  1. Jess m 17:06 bnd bmu swing

    Kevin l 21:03rx
    Matt d 17:53 1/2abm
    Matt e 16:58 1/2abm bmu kip swing
    Anna c 18:10 1/2 abm 25rr 15 pull up att
    Laura s 21:05 rus twist jbmu
    Raj 19:11 1/2abm pull up
    Nikki m 17:44 100vup jbmu

  2. 5:15a
    Kevin B 19:52 150abm/15BMU
    Brian S 19:35 10BMU/13 strict PU
    Sean S 23:24 rx
    Theresa L 19:19 JBMU/ 1/2GHD+abm
    Mike San 19:24 JBMU/ 1/2 GHD+abm
    Jeremy D 14:53 Strict PU
    Ben M 19:01 JBMU/ abm+ghd
    Susan A 17:30 1/2 ghd/JBMU att
    Kevin T =)

  3. 930
    Taylor 17:05 rx
    Anna l 13:51 rx
    Joe c 19:54 (40 ghd, 35 ab)
    Jeff h 17:50 (c2b/ pu)
    Mary h 19:34 (c2b, 25 ghd)
    Jackie 19:39 (c2b, 50 ghd, 25 ab)
    Braden 15:56 rx
    Abby 15:40 (35 ab, 40 rom ghd, band pu)

  4. 12:15pm
    Sam b 15:25 pull ups abm
    Pete d 16:13 50rr
    Pam g 14:38 25strict pull
    Jess a 16:53 pull-ups bnd/abm
    Rich a 14:14 abm
    Kevin h 17:49 Rx
    Johnathan t . ? Bmu kip
    Julia m 14:38 60cal, 26rkbs/ jpu
    Cameron 18:45 pull-ups 1/2 abm
    Matt t 18:10 50 rr

  5. Andrew m. 13:10 RX
    Joe s 16:52 Rx
    Alona 22:19 band mu
    Brian Z 18:10 Rx
    Dana 18:52 150AB
    Marissa 20:30 BMU Attempts
    Jen c 16:04 ab
    Noel 17:04 pull-ups
    Cassandra k. 13:35 ab/pullup
    Josh S 18:00 MU Attempts
    Dan Oc 17:10 50 GHD/pullups
    Mariana 15:36 ab/bmu Attempts
    Steph C 15:61 1/2 ab/pullup&ctb attempts
    JP 18:12 Rx
    Shawna 18:31 10jmu/15 pullups/ab

  6. 330
    Holly 14:45 (band pu, rom ghd)
    Dave h 22:24 (12bmu+ 3 in warm up!)
    Alex th 16:36 (25 ghd, 50 ab, jbmu)
    Jenna 22:42 (10 bmu+ 2 in warm up!)
    Meg o 15:00 rx
    Lea 14:35 (abmat, 30 rr, jbmu)
    Ina 17:33 (20 ghd, 55 abmat, 25 rr)
    Nicole m 15:13 (1/2 ghd/ abmat, pu)

    Ryan s 21:53 (50 ghd,25 ab)
    Jilla 17:35 rx
    Julie r 20:24 jbm
    Erika 23:20 (jbmu)
    Alex th 15:54 (40 ghd, jbmu)
    Remer 20:45 rx
    Mark sp 25:00 (8 bmu+ att)
    Fayth 16:18 (sit up, pu/ pu att)
    Possum 25:07 rx
    Cal 19:30 (15 jbmu)
    Vinnie 19:25 (40 ghd, 15 bmu)

    Jeff p 17:25 rx
    Caitlyn b 14:38 (40 ghd/ 35 ab, pu)
    Kate 16:20 (35 ghd/40 abmat, c2ba)
    Adam r 20:12 (16 mu, 40 ghd/ 35 abmat)
    Greg a 20:15 (15 mua, 4+1 mu !)
    Mike c 19:08 (20 ghd/ 55 abmat, 15 bmu/ pu)
    Courtney 21:00 (20 bmu, 75 wb)
    Dan 21:15 (15 bmu)
    Matt b 17:17 (30 ghd/ 45 abmat, 25 rr, 25 rus swings)

  7. Julius 20:48 (sub air squat for sit up, RR)
    Esra 19:48 (arm, pu)
    Michael Roth 19:53 (1/2 GHD / 1/2 ABM, 7 bmu / 10 att)
    Neil 19:38 (1/2 GHD / 1/2 ABM, hips to bar)
    Missy 16:38 (1/2 GHD / 1/2 ABM, JPU)
    Alex 19:06 (1/2 GHD . 1/2 ABM, 15 PU)
    Dave 19:50 (30 GHD / 45 SBM, 10 bmuatt)
    Alan 13:08 (75 cal ski, seated core engagement, 50 bar rows)
