
W.O.D. 8.1.18

"21-15-9 Complex"
For time:
8 Deadlifts (105/155#)
7 Cleans (105/155#)
6 Snatches (105/155#)
8 Pull-ups
7 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
6 Bar Muscle-ups

6 Deadlifts (105/155#)
5 Cleans (105/155#)
4 Snatches (105/155#)
6 Pull-ups
5 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
4 Bar Muscle-ups

4 Deadlifts (105/155#)
3 Cleans (105/155#)
2 Snatches (105/155#)
4 Pull-ups
3 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
2 Bar Muscle-ups

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.” 
– Willie Nelson


  1. 9:30 AM

    Dana D. 10:33,85 cl,75 DL+SN(hang)
    Mary H. 13:17,60#,ctb att,jump bar mu
    Kevin H. 13:00,155# DL+cl,95 sn
    Jess A. 14:17,55#,band pu,Jump ctb
    Jazmin L. 13:56,53#,band + Jump
    Julie R. 15:30,105# dL+cl,75 sn,band + Jump
    Jonathan T. 19:00,95#,10 reps/round,pu’s+ring dips

  2. 12:15 EXP

    Pam G. 13:04,strict pu,ring row,bar mu
    Josh McV. 13:15 Rx
    Rich A. 8:25 Rx
    Meredith H. 12:27,75#,15/12/9 pull-ups
    Joe C. 12:40,125#
    Pete D. 11:39,120#
    Mike R 12:17 Rx

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WOD Kevin Lukens! Nothing like starting your birthday off with a workout with friends.


    Ben M 16:34 (105#, box mu, rom (chest 2bar)
    Kevin B 13:23 105#
    Mark Spak 14:45 115#, bmu att
    Susan Arnold 16:20 55#, box jmu
    Sean S 10:17 115#
    Manisha 16:!1 55#, banded bmu att
    Theresa 14:08 17"box, band
    Jaime 15:56 jmu
    Ellie 15:55 75#, band
    Brittany 16:37 75#, jmu, band
    Brian Str. 12:24 115#
    Kevin T 13:13 95#

    Becky 11:22 55#, jmu
    Josh P. 12:01 95#, jmu

    Nikki 13:20 95/85, jmu
    Colleen 15:56 80#, c2b banded, jmu 24"/plate
    Laura Smith 15:31 65#, jmu, band c2b, jmu/plate
    Alex B 16:17 85/55, band, jmu
    Jess M 17:05 75#, floss, c2b, 20" box
    Kevin L 14:15 75#
    Lauren H Raj 17:18 (4, 3, 2 pull-ups, c2b att 30"box
    Matt D (AOTM!) 14:44 95/55#, jmu

  4. 5:15 AM
    Mike San. 15:51 85#, banded bmu

  5. 4:30
    Jenna 13:12 85/2bmu per round
    AMM :)
    Keith 10:24 rx
    Micah 11:09 135/pu+c2b
    Alex Tu. 12:31 75/c2ba/jbma
    Steph C. 12:27 65/c2ba/bmua
    Taylor 11:37 rx
    Twinnie 11:46 75/3-2-1 bmu
    Mariana 12:41 85/c2ba/Hips2Bar
    John T. 11:39 95/band
    Sydney 14:47 70/c2ba/jbmua
    Mike Mit. 11:16 95/pu+jbmua
    Kate S. 11:30 75/band c2b/jbmu

    Erika R. 12:34 65/c2ba/hips2bar
    Danielle G. :)
    Brian Z. 13:55 105#
    Samson 11:20 105/3-2-2 bmu
    Alona 15:27 85/band
    Marissa :)
    Randy 12:11 105#
    Rob P. :)
    Kat 13:51 45/c2ba/hips2bar
    Joe S. 11:58 rx
    Rahmon 12:25 65/c2ba/jbmu
    Nicole M. 12:08 65/c2ba/hips2bar
    Braden 12:29 115#
    Shawna 14:18 65/c2ba/bmua
    Adam 10:00 115/rr
    Andrew M. 7:12 rx
    Lesley B. 10:34 50/rr+push ups
    Karen M. 8:36 sc

  6. 630
    Caitlyn b 11:06 (65, rr)
    Mike c 10:57 (105,3-2-1 Bmu)
    Dan m 12:39 (115, 3-2-1 bmu)
    Erik 12:32 (105, jmu, c2ba)
    Gia 11:38 (65, rr, c2ba)
    Chak 12:46 (105, rr)

    Bryan 13:24 (95)
    Missy 15:16 (65/45, rr, band, kip)
    Greg h 14:15 (96, kip+ strict)
