
W.O.D. 7.25.18


5 Rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters 
30 Box jumps, 20/24 inch box 
30 Wall ball shots, 14/20 pound ball  to 9/10ft

(CLICK HERE to compare to 1.20.18)
(CLICK HERE to compare to 4.18.18)

Community Notes:
Join us Today for BOOTCAMP at 4:30pm

 “We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.”
 – Maya Angelou


  1. 9:30

    Victoria U. 34:06,Stepups,10# for 20 reps
    Mary H. 24:37,10#,3 rounds
    Dianne McD. 24:35,17” Stepups,10# 3 rounds
    Jackie H. 19:31,20 cal bike, Stepups,12#,3 rounds
    Jonathan T. 33:33,Rx
    Dave H. 31:32, 500m row,Stepups

  2. 515/6:00/7:00

    Proud of you guys for waking up, and sticking thru this one early in the morning. Good push thru 5 rounds.

    Ellie 34:18 Rx
    Jeremy 27:08 Rx
    King 34:27 Rx
    Mike S 32:03 (14#, 1/2 wb reps)
    Mark Spak 35:48 Rx
    Manisha 33:54 (15 wb per round)
    Sean S 32:14 Rx

    Dung 33:22 scale
    Dana D 28:14 Rx
    Jeff G 28:30 scaled
    Colleen 31:31 (200s)
    Ben M 34:50 Rx

    Anna 31:00 (10#, 15cal bike, step ups)
    Kevin L 30:45 Rx
    Matt D 26:22 (20" step ups, 15@20#)
    Dave B 31:21 (rom)
    Nikki 22:50 Rx
    JP 29:40 Rx

  3. 12:15 EXP

    Pam G. 24:01 Rx
    Tim H. 19:42,4 rounds 250m row,20 bj,20 wb
    Kevin H. 31:26 Rx
    Cal A. 34:50 Rx
    Pete D. 32:19 Rx
    Sam B. 31:14 Rx

  4. Steph v 21:56 (200m, 15 reps to 13”, 15 reps rom wb)
    Braden 28:27 rx
    Caitlyn b 38:04 rx
    Nancy 35:04 (10#)
    Dan m 37:30 rx
    Becky 29:30 rx

  5. 4:30pm
    Lydia 32:19 4rnds/8#
    Alex Tu 32:12 4rnds/20"/14#
    Mike M 37:50 14#ROM
    Ina S 29:31 3Rnds/ 26#GobSq
    Karen M 37:57 35#GobSq
    Danielle G 18:09 3rnds

    Laura A 26:07 Row.17"step
    Kat B 33:12 4rnds//Row/13"/8#
    Rob P 31:20 14#20Reps
    Billy K 3Rnds Row/Kbs/Slam
    Noel S 32:30Rx
    Marianna R 23:08 3rnds
    Alona K 27:56 Rx PR!
    Jenna K 34:00Rx
    Alicia M 23:48 4rnds
    Chip H 3Rnds
    Jess M 31:21 Rx
    Randy M 27:17 Rx PR!
    Adam R 32:00 4rnds
    Joe S 30:36 rx
    Greg A 31:03 4rnds
    Ryan S 26:52 14#

    Jason P 37:21 rx
    Mike Ro 32:56 Rx
    Dave M 20:48 200m/20@20"/20@14#
    Mae T 30:56 200m/20step/20MBC
    Greg H 33:15 16#ROM
    Check 32:48 10#
