
W.O.D. 7.24.18

We are hosting and adaptive athlete course on November 3rd.
CLICK HERE to register. 

For time:
Overhead Squat (75/115#)
Chest to Bar Pull-ups
*between each set complete a 200 M farmers carry (35/53# KB)

Community Notes:
Join us TOMORROW for BOOTCAMP at 4:30pm

This weekend (July 27-29th) the USA Weightlifting American Open Series takes place right here in King of Prussia at the Valley Forge Casino.

This meet draws lifters from all over the country and is the first level of competition lifters can qualify for at a national level.

Several of our Bridgeport Barbell Club and CrossFit KoP athletes and coaches are competing.

Friday morning: 
Grace Andrews
Sydney Hilliard
Marla Pachler

Friday Afternoon:
Angelo Kelly
Michelle Komemi
Aimee Lyons

Saturday morning:
Keith Bombar
Saturday evening
Tia Billett
Jim Calciano

Sunday morning:
 Rachel Spring
Dan Faby
Briana Koza

CLICK HERE to find out details about the event.
Good Luck to all the lifters!!!

“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” 
– Will Rogers


  1. 6am
    Sean 19:32 Rx
    Jeremy D 14:45 FS
    Meg O 16:11 Rx
    King 19:17 95
    Kevin B 15:23 95/45/pullups
    Jeff G. 19:58 Bnd/45Box(13")/45-35-25
    Danielle G 17:59 RR
    Mark Sp. 17:28 95/RR

    Dave 20:07 Pullup/75/45
    Nikki M. 14:13 Rx
    Alex l 20:30 85/44
    Colleen 22:35 end/65
    Victoria 17:30 jump/35/25
    Matt D 20:52 pull up (1/2), 35, 53-35
    Alex B 20:52 end/35/26
    Rahmon 18:32 Pullup/53

  2. 9:30
    Jonathan 18:52 pull up
    Julie r 19:43 bnd/65

  3. 1215
    Joe C 25:09 (115 fs)
    John Mc 24:56 (band, 85)
    Carl 18:08 rx
    Jp 18:07 rx
    Pam 17:44 rr
    Dana 17:32 (65)
    Julia 17:06 (35, jpg, 18)
    Laura P 13:29 rx
    Kyara 16:33 (35, band, 26 kb)
    Meredith 18:53 (65, pu, 26kb)
    Tim H 20:38 (75, rr, 70/50 kb)
    Evie 17:32 rr
    Lea W 17:44 pu
    Susan A 19:42 (35, pu)
    Matt T 16:43 (55)

  4. Masters
    Mom 15:16 (15#,18# kB, band)
    Ina 15:12 (18#,13#, oh kB, band)
    Barb c 15:49 (15#,18#,band)
    Terry j 15:12 (15#,25# kB )

  5. 7:30p
    Bekah 20:30 65/pull-ups
    Abi 20:05 20kb/35#/band pull-ups
    Marissa A 17:52 65/pull-ups
    Dave N 22:11 95#/2rds
    Phani 18:43 65#/pullups/45kb
    Johnny 19:45 85#/pull-ups/35#kb
    Dianne M 16:58 rr/15#bar/18#kb

  6. Jason 22:27 95#/pull-ups/35#
    Kyle G 19:18 75#/band/26kb
    Jill A 14:29 Rx
    Jenna 20:04 Rx
    Kate 18:09 65/band
    Mike M 17:25 95# FS/pullups/44#
    John T 17:15 75/band
    Josh 12:24 Rx
    Karen 14:31 FS/rr
    Manisha 18:44 Rx
    Remer 13:04 Rx

    Shawna 22:14 55/rr
    Sarmad 22:00 75/band/35kb
    Braden 17:58 Rx
    Matt B 21:22;135fs/rr/45#
    Micah 20:48 Rx
    Brian Z 19:55 75/35
    Randy 19:33 95/45
    Rob P 22:47 95/pull-ups/95
    Dan M 17:25 95/pull-ups/44

    Michael C 18:20 75/44
    Mike Roth 16:29 95fs/45
    Mike Mc 16:20 15 To 17”rr/25
    Jeff 15:30 Rx
    Andrew M 12:25 Rx
    Jen C 15:57 er
    Caitlyn B 20:59 65/pull-ups
    Laura A :)
    Josh S did work
    Alona 17:25 rom C2B+pullups
    Adam 19:40 95/25
