
W.O.D. 7.2.18

2 RM Push Press 

 Cash- Out: 
AMRAP in 7 Minutes: 
5 Push Press (70% of 2 RM) 
10 Ring Dips 
15 Calories Row

CLICK HERE to compare to (4.16.18)

Community Notes:
Fourth of July
Don't forget about our FREE Family and Friends workout on Wednesday, July 4th at 10am
There will be FREE Babysitting on the 4th!!
...and Open Strength in the Annex from 10am- 12pm

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” 
 ― Winston S. Churchill


  1. 5:15a BAC
    Mark Sp 155, 2+13 Rx
    Ellie 105, 2+6 band
    Kevin B 145#, 3+5 Rx
    Theresa L 110# 2+19 Rx
    Donovan D 145# 2rds thanks for dropping in!
    Jeremy D 155, 3+15 Rx
    Joe M 155, 2+16 Rx
    Ben M 135# PR! 2+24 band
    Mike San 125, 2+20 Rx
    John mc 135# 2+15 band
    King 165, 2+28 Rx

  2. 6am
    Dung 95 28 bnd
    Dana 115 2+12 Rx
    Susan 100 2+9 bnd
    Meg o 85sp 2+5 sp/ski
    Colleen 120 2+15 bnd

  3. 7am
    Christian 170 2+8rx
    JP 195 3rx
    RAJ 140pr 2+9 bnd
    Anna 95 PR 3 pdip
    Jess m 95 2+16 bnd
    Matt d 105pr 2+7 Rx
    Neil do 245 2+12 Rx
    Laura s 100 2bnd

  4. 930
    Julie r 105/ 2+10 band
    Jeff h 175/ 2+5 rom
    Cameron h 105/ 2+18 band
    Patricia p 90/ 2+5 band

  5. 12:15pm
    Sam B 197 PR, 5+5Rx
    Matt T 130PR 3Rx
    Tim H 145 2+13bnd
    Cherie 90 2+15 Pdip
    Pete D 175 3+16rx
    meredith H 115 PR 2+23 bnd
    Pam g 145PR, 3+2 Pushup
    Julia M 75 2bnd

  6. 3:30pm
    Mike T 120 2+23 bnd
    John T 175 3 bnd
    holly f 80 2+15 bnd
    lydia R 70 2+11 bnd
    Alona 125 2+9 MF
    Nikki 125 3 Rx

  7. 430
    Jilla 145
    Karen =) front squat
    Josh mc 205 pr!/ 3+17 rx
    Micah 195/ 2+7 rx
    Chip 225/ 2+12 (135)
    Therese 95/ 1+19 (65, par)
    Mike m 160/ 2+4 (115)
    Tori 100/ 2+20 (band)

    Noel 195 pr!/ 4+1 rx
    Adam 195/ 3+8 strict rx
    Kayla 160/ 3+8 rx
    Laura a 130/ 2+9 rx
    Fayth 100/ 2+19 band
    Shawna 105 pr/ 2+15 neg
    Kate s 120/ 2+10 neg

  8. 6:30p
    Manu 95 PR!; 3+1 (holds)
    Jen C 140 PR!; 2+25 (pullup sub dip)
    Danielle 120; 2+15 (band)
    Jeff P 235 (245 for 1xPR); 3+15 Rx
    Andrew M 175; 4+5 Rx
    Jonathan T 185; 3+7 Rx
    Caitlyn 85 PR!; 2+25 (band)
    Michael C 145; 3 (band)

    Neil 210 PR!; 2+10 (band)
    Missy 80; 2+15 (band)
    Alex 90 PR!; 2+15 (band)
    Nancy 73; 2+15 (band)
    Michael Roth 225 3RM BSQ; 3 (BSQ sub PP)
    Esra 110 PR!; 2+8 (band)
    Greg 155; 2+26 Rx
    Alan 65; 2+12 (ring row sub dip, ski sub row)
    Johnny 145; 2+6 Rx
