
W.O.D. 6.15.18

Take 20 minutes to build to a heavy Power Clean


Power Clean (use 70% of your 1 RM from today)
Handstand Push-up

“The only time you fail is when you fall down and stay down.” 
 ― Stephen Richards


  1. 5:15/6a
    Kevin B 190# 7:38 2ab
    Jeremy 210# 9:30 ghd
    Mark Sp 185# 12:28 2ab/135
    Ellie 135# 15:29 2abm
    Theresa L 125# 10:04 95/2abm
    Mike San 145# 10:25 102.5/box
    John M 165# 10:22 115/sb
    Brian S 185# 11:24 Rx (125)

    Andrew M 235# 6:37 Rx
    Colleen 135# (20# PR) :))

  2. 9:30 (5:30 remix)
    Caitlyn 115 PR, 12:58-80# 15/12/9
    Mariana 140 11:47 -100# 2ab
    Kevin H. 195 11:33rx
    Mary H 115 15:18-85# 2ab
    Therese 115 PR 13:01-80# 45 2ab
    Evie 175 PR 13:35 - 1/2 pushup 110#
    Mike T 75# 9:45 (75 pushups)
    Jackie 155 PR 10:24 (20#sdp)
    Randy 175# 13:08 120# 2 ab
    Dan M 185 13:49 135# 15/12/9 2ab
    Jess A 100 11:19 (20 seated bell press)
    Ina 170 DL

  3. 12:15/2:00...
    Tim H 165 9:35 25 DB seated press
    Pam G 170 11:03 Rx
    Micah 225 12:23 Rx
    JP 225 15:20 175# Rx+
    Meredith 115 10:44 (2AB 85#)
    Gordy 180 11:49 1 AB
    Julie R 125 8:36 95# 12-9-7 2AB
    Taylor 235 PR 9;27 rx
    Kevin T 165 8:31 Rx
    Aimee 175, 6:41 Rx
    Joe S 235 9:35 rx
    Carl 1780, 7:10 Rx

  4. 7am:
    Sam B: 205 PR! 8:48 stink bug
    Jaz: 93 PR! 9:59 stink bug
    Meg O: 155 5:04
    Raj 175 14:29 2ab
    Laura S: 75# 14:22 2 ab
    Kate c: 115 11:32 15-12-9 hspu
    Jess M: 115 13:48
    Kevin L: 165 PR! 14:30 2 abmat
    Alex B: 75 8:57 55 stink bug
    Missy: 105 10:33 stink bug

  5. 3:30
    Gia: 105 PR! 8:50 1 abmat
    Cameron H: 150 PR! 15-12-9 hspu 3abmat
    Rich A: 277.2 PR! 11:24
    Ryan M: 220 PR! 12:12
    Caitlyn O: 115 10:49 2 abmat

    Shawn P: 115 10:07 stink bug
    Matt D: 120 6:36 stinkbug
    Mark P: 285 PR! 12:36 DB Pushpress
    Emily E: 115 PR! 11:45 2 ab
    Kate S: 135 PR! 10:27 2 ab
    Remer: 235 PR! 9:04
    Jen C: 180 PR! 10:15 15-12-0
    Nancy: 80 10:10 2 ab
    Alona: :) Thursdays workout
    Jin M: 135 11:00 stink bug
    Jilla: 175 PR! 7:44

  6. 5:30

    Esra: 110 8:48 snake
    Kat B: 90!! PR! 9:35 db press
    Kyle: 75 9:47 stink bug
    Abby M: 65 PR! :)


    Jeff P: 265 10:14
    Courtney B: 160 7:22 1 abmat
    Alan K: 65 strict press. 15-12-9 strict press wall pushup
    Erika R: 115 9:30 stink bug
    Neil: 235 12:30 2 ab
    Mae: 73 7:37 wall pushups
    Jonathan T: 215 stink bug
    Cline: 175 11:22 stinkbug
