
W.O.D. 5.25.18

3 Rounds for Time:
21 Calorie Row
15 Paralette Shoot Throughs
9 Wall Walk Ups

Community Note:
Join us tomorrow for Bootcamp at 9am with Coach Aimee!

"Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it." 
-Greg Anderson


  1. 7am
    Raj 22:55 20”box/7rom ww
    Anna c 20:50 20”box/rom
    Kevin l 17:34 Rx
    Kate c 24:40 6ww
    Jess m 22:43 5WW
    Sam b 19:47 rom ww
    JP 18:31 Rx
    Matt d 19:49 rom
    Micah m 20:57rx

  2. 5:15/6a
    Ben M 25:26 Rx
    Ellie H 25:57 6ww/ROM
    Holly F 22:45 ROM
    John K 17:58 Rx
    Theresa L 21:26 Rx
    Kevin B 19:14 Rx

    DD 23:52Rx
    Manisha 31:09 Rx

  3. 930
    Mike Roth 20:50 rom
    Megan o 17:16 rx
    Nicole m 19:59 rom
    Mike c 21:15 rx
    Mary h 20:13 rom
    Dianne mc 20:23 (15/9/6 rom)
    Nikki 16:48 rx

  4. Gia h 20:21 5WW
    Alex th 23:05 ww/inchworm
    Donna g 18:17 30”/inch worm
    Danielle g 20:00 10 ww 24”/5rom ww
    Kevin h 18:25 Rx

    Jeff p 16:24 Rx
    Andrew m 15:05rx
    Liz s 17:19 24box/5WW rom
    Nancy s 20:15 24box/rom ww
    Julie r 19:54 10st/ 5ww

  5. 5:30
    Phani 19:27 (box/6wwa)
    Shawna 24:04 (box/2rds@12 and 6 wwa)
    Erika R. 21:15 (10sta/6wwa)
    Tori 23:07 (10st/6ww)
    Neil De. 22:09 (box/4-3-2ww)
    Kyle G. 20:51 (6wwa)
    Cass 22:32 (box@10st/inchworms)
    Kat 19:55 (stROM/6wwa)
