
W.O.D. 4.2.18

Join us on Saturday April 7th at 11:00 am for our FINISH CLINIC

It is essential in Olympic lifting to FINISH! 
Finishing properly is how we drive the bar UP (not out) in the Olympic lifts!  Increase your understanding of how vertical drive is accomplished in the snatch, clean and jerk. Learn drills to help you translate what you have learned into your lifts 

CLICK HERE to sign up today.

 $5 for members/$25 for non members.
3 Rounds for time of:
1000 Meter Row
30 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans (35/50#)
30 Burpees 

(Time cap 30:00 minutes)

“Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.”
—Guy Finley



  1. 5:15a
    Theresa L 162 Rx *
    Mike San 159 (25#) *
    Kevin B 153 Rx *
    Ben M 155 (40#) *

    * time cap

  2. 930
    Dave h 151 rx
    Laura s 157 (20)
    Jackie h 180 (20, jumping squat thrust)
    Connie v 145 (20)
    Julie r 176 (30)

  3. 6am
    dana w 26:44 (gobSq35#/BJ20")
    danielle f 185 20#
    justin c 29:09 rx
    nikki m 27:17 rx
    angelo k 172 rx
    jeremy d 29:40 3#
    manisha a 149 25#

    anna c 144 20#
    joe c 143 45#
    kevin l 166 35#
    kate c 143 25#
    jess m 159 25#
    kat b 138 20#
    matt d 172 25#

  4. Jenna k 146rx
    Pete d 150 (50 gobsq)
    Matt t 165 25
    Kevin t 195 35
    Pam g 29:44 rx
    Lauren e 149 15
    Megg l 181 15

  5. 330
    John mchugh 165 (35)
    Holly f 147 (20)

  6. 430
    Keith 184 rx
    Twinnie 160 (25)
    Remer 190 rx
    Jilla 168 rx
    Mike M 148 (25)
    Karen 168 (25)
    Alex T 175 (25
    Olan 154 (35)
    Megan O 158 rx

    Matt B 135 rom
    Kelsey 29:59 rx
    Alona 203 (25)
    Sarmad 149 (30)
    Fayth 150 (20)
    Emily E 161 (20)
    Raj 142 (30)
    Caitlyn B 154 (25)
    Randy 174 (40)
    Shawna 125 rx
    Anne B 171 (12)
    Joe S 29:14 rx
    Braden 173 rx
    Steph C 170 (20)

    Mark C 170 (35)
    Danielle G 184 rx
    Michael C 149 (35)
    Greg A 165 (35)
    Caitlin O 162 (20)
    Mike Ro 147 (45)
    Dave N 143 (40)
    Andrew M 192 rx
    Laura A 167 rx
    Jen C 164 rx
    Anvesh 143 (35)
    Kyle G 146 rx
    Dani 186 (20)
    Micah 178 rom (50)
    Sean S 150 (30)
    Sam 148 (25)
