
W.O.D. 2.28.18

New time! Same place! 
It's time to Spring into Fitness
Tell your friends and mamas---- 9:30 AM!
Tuesday and Thursday, starts on 4/3...

FREE BABYSITTING is available, SIGN a friend up today!

CLICK HERE to sign up!

Test Day--Record Results

For Time:
"Baseline" x3

500m Row
40 Air Squats
30 Sit- Ups
20 Push- Ups
10 Pull- Ups

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit.”


  1. 515/6/7

    King 14:49 Rx
    Kevin B 16:10 Rx
    Mark Chua 18:05 Rx
    Ben M 20:05 Rx
    Mike S 20:26 Rx
    Manisha 21:44 Rx
    Laura Smith 22:11 plank hold
    Ellie 21:50 Rx
    Theresa 18:00 Rx
    Holly 21:21 band/rom squats
    Alexandra 22:31 band/snake
    Katie M 23:25 plank/incline push-up
    Sue K 20:34 band

    Orell 19:59 pull-up rom extensions
    Mark Spak 17:42 Rx
    Sam P 19:00 scaled rom
    Angelo 12:38 Rx

    Marla 18:43 Rx
    Kate C 23:55 Rx
    Danielle G 20:55 incline
    Anna 23:59 incline/1 inch band
    Raj 25:49 Rx

  2. 9:30

    Mary H. 21:08 snake
    Matt T. 19:50 Rx
    Jackie H. 19:39 bike(20 cals),db floor press,band pu
    Connie V. 22:42 snake,band pu
    Jess M. 21:37 snake, rom pu

  3. 12:15 EXP

    Jenna K. 19:05 Rx
    Panos B. 14:49
    Nicole R. 19:46 snake,30,20,10,5
    Cherie C. 20:50 ,snake,10 pu band
    Pam G. 16:09 Rx
    Kevin T. 16:54 Rx
    Mark St. 15:07 Rx
    Pete D. 16:43 Rx
    Tim H. 15:45 2 rounds,snake,rom pullups

  4. 630
    Steph v 23:18 (inc, band, 25 squats to box)
    Mike c 20:17rx
    Gia 21:15 sn
    Erik 23:27sn
    Madhu 26:32 (sn, band)
    Matt e 24:37 rx

    Sarah 20:20 (kip, inc) welcome!!
    Greg 20:45 band
    Mike Roth 19:16 rx
    Mae 21:16 (20” box jump, 35 kB)
    Brian s 17:19 rx
    Sean 18:04 rx

  5. 5:30pm
    ryan S 19:32rx
    joe s 14:25 rx
    matt d 21:05 strictbndpull
    braden R 14:47rx
    rich a 13:04
    Caitlyn B 22:16 Sn/rom
    Kyle G 17:29 rx
    Mariana 20:21 rx
    mike z 23:02 rom/inc/bnd
    Greg a 23:06 SN
    Rob C 23:04 rx
    Steph C 19:21 Sn
    Steph M 19:29 sn

  6. 4:30pm
    Joe C 21:01Rx
    Mike M. ?? ROM/SN
    Olan 21:00 Rx
    Megg L 22:02 Inc
