
W.O.D. 2.2.18

There is still time to sign up, join us on Saturday at 11:00 AM for our Pull-up Specialty Clinic. CLICK HERE to sign up.


Cash out:
3 Rounds:
20 Burpees
25 GHD Sit-Ups 

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.


  1. 5:15/6a
    Theresa L 195# 9:35 Rx
    Ellie 205# 10:28 Rx
    Katie M 10:02 plank 155#
    Mark Sp 245# 11:02 Rx
    Ben M 215# 10:48 Rx
    Laura S 133# 7:35'hollow rocks
    Kevin B 255# 7:27 Rx
    Manisha :) 10:01 rx

  2. 7am
    Alex 235, 6:58 (abmat)
    Joe C 325, 9:14 (20 ghd)
    Jess M 145, 9:35 (1/2 ghd)
    Esra 245, 12:53rx
    Kate C 165, 11:45 rx
    Marla 210, 9:16 rx

    Tori 165 pr!, 11:39 rx
    Connie 175, 11:11 abmat
    Suzanne 113, 5:46 (10 abmat, 15 partial rom ghd)
    Ina 135
    Jess A 205, 12:03 rx
    Shawna 175, 10:29 rx
    Meggan Le 205, 12:03 rx
    Mary H 205, 8:48 (15 ghd)
    Jill H 235, 8:47 rx
    Jackie H 225,8:06 (30 air squats)
    Nicole R 125

  3. 12:15
    Pam G 255, 8:08 rx
    Mike Sim 265 bench, 6:20 (1min plank, 2
    Tim H 315, 7:06 (rds 2/3 for 1/2 reps) abmats
    Rich A 415 (8:03 rx
    Pete D 315pr! 8:48 partial rom
    Meredith H 245, 9:47 rx
    Kevin T 235, 7:09 abmat
    Lindsey J 175pr! 9:23 abmat
    Cherie 165 pr! 12:09 abmat

  4. Dianne m 135 5:50 2rounds 10burp abm
    Alex p 155 9:42 Rom ghd
    Alex th 165 7:46 abmat
    Karen s 155 9:13 10 ghd
    Gia h 155 10:33rx
    Donna g 185pr 9:37abm

  5. Angelo k 365 10:20rx
    Holly f 165 10:18 (rom)

  6. Mike m 285 9:15abm
    Karen m 255pr 8:58abm
    Ben t 335 7:50 20bike cal abm
    Regi 185 7:29 abm
    Mark st 385pr 5:23 push man
    Justin c 400pr 7:47rx
    Allison t 213 :)

  7. 5:30:
    Dana D: 215PR 6:40 RX
    Laura A: 225 7:01 RX
    Kat: 175 12:09 5 GHD full ROm 20 Prom
    Alona: 215 10:15 RX
    Matt D: 235 PR 8:20 ab matt
    Kevin L: 225 7:28 abm
    Susan H: 125 5:36 abm
    Mariana R: 195 8:47 RX
    Steoh C: 175 9:22 20 GHD 5 abm
    Ryan S: 245 6:55 ABM

    Faith and Kyle! I need results :)

    Kyle G: 315 9:45 10 GHD 15 ABM
    Sean S: 365 8:20 ABM
