
W.O.D. 1.2.18

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5 Rounds for reps of:
Every 4 Minutes:
500 Meter Row
Max Thrusters (95/135#) in the remainder of the time

3 sets of 20 GHD Sit-ups
(not for time)

“Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.”
—Guy Finley


  1. 6am
    Laura s 62 (65)
    King 52 (115)
    Mark spak 49 (115)
    Danielle G 43 rx
    Katie m 34 (55)
    Theresa 27rx
    Mike San 41 (95)
    Manisha 42 (60)

    Anna 39 (55)
    Jp 54 rx
    Kate c 50 (65)

  2. Jackie h 50 300m ass run/115fs
    Megg l 56 @65
    Kevin h 55 @115
    Mary h 53@6
    Jill h 50@75
    Kevin b 48@115
    Karen s 54@55
    Rich a 65rx

  3. 1215
    Joe c 47 (115)
    Amy c 50 (55)
    Tim h 62 (95)
    Matt t 27 (95)
    Kevin t 50 (105)
    Meredith 55 (65)
    Carl 62 (105)
    Pam g 60 rx
    Kate m 44 (55)
    Mark stipa 55 (115)
    Jessie 72 (53)
    Lindsey 48 (65)
    Pete d 56 (95)
    Cherie 30 (45)

    Barb 50 (35)
    Gigi 53 (25,400m)
    Terry 42 (45)

  4. D.A.D

    Esra 47 (70#)
    Neil 47 Rx
    Michael Roth 55 (115#)

  5. 4:30
    Donna 46 (65#)
    Edwin 57 (95#)
    Tori 62 (55#)
    Joe M. 33 (95#)
    John Mc. 46 (105#)
    Samson 53 (95#)
    Lauren D. 75 (65# FS)
    Olan 50 (105#)
    Katelyn 56 (65#)
    Remer 58 RX
    Ina 45 (45#)
    Josh Mc. 45 RX
    Alex T. 51 (65#)

    Shawna 43 (65#)
    Twinnie 45 (75#)
    Mariana 58 (75#)
    Alona 49 (85#)
    Julia 44 (55#)
    Justin C. 66 RX
    Angelo 65 RX
    Allison T. 50 RX
    Kyle G. 17 (95# 4 rds)
    Josh P. 50 (95#)
    Steph C. 51 (65#)
    Dana D. 36 RX
    Laura A. 47 RX

    Tia 42 (85#)
    Nicole M. 43 (65#)
    Caitlyn 53 (65#)
    Kris 32 (75#)
    Michael C. 45 (85#)
    Erik 42 (105#)
    Sean S. 47 (115#)
    Matt E. 42 (115#)

    Awesome job tonight! Great scaling options!
    - Jill
