
W.O.D. 12.10.17

AMRAP in 12 Minutes:
30 Double Unders 
15 Toes to Bar 
10 Back Squats (155/225#)

Advent Day 10: 
Butterfly ab-mat sit-ups, the team of 2 with a fastest time to 200 wins

Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best.
-St. Jerome

1 comment:

  1. 9/10AM
    Ellie 4 125#
    Donna 3 + 13 105# 15 DU KR
    Mae 3 + 50 105# TTRing 60 singles
    Mark 3 + 37 185#
    Kevin 3 + 47 115# 20" 10 TTB 60 singles
    Ina 3 + 30 75# KR
    Allen 3 + 1 135# 20" Floor TTB 60 singles
    Kyle B 3 + 12 53KBDL 15# plate jump floor TTB
    Kat 3 + 30 85# GHD ROM 60 SU

    Remer 4 + 35 Rx
    Erika 3 + 10 75# 15 DU
    Karen 3 + 42 60 SU 10 TTBAttempts
    Sydney 3 100# 10 TTBAttempts
    Cline 3 + 30 135# 10 TTB
    Steph C 3 + 4 85#
