
W.O.D. 11.24.17

From the create your own WOD Contest, the winner:
Shawna's WOD
For time:
1-10 Clean and Jerks (95/135#)
10-1 Pull-ups
* 20 Double Unders after each set

Today's Classes:
Friday- CrossFit WoD at 9:30 AM, 12:15 PM, 1:00PM, 3:30 PM and 4:30 PM 
Friday - Open Strength 12-5:30PM

An attitude of gratitude brings great things.
-Yogi Bhajan


  1. 12:15
    Pam G 19:27 Rx
    Scott 23:29 Rx
    Matt Bo 26:25 Rx
    Kyle B 26:09 15# DB, 5 plate jumps
    Steph C 19:54 65#
    Erik F 26:00 to 8 rds 95# 15 DU
    Steph V 20:30 73# band 40 SU

  2. 9:30a:

    Ben: 25:29 95# Ring Row
    Julie R: 29:17 75# 10 dub
    Alicia: 14:55 front squat 95# ring row
    Dana: 22:48 sq. Clean+front squat 95# ring row
    Keith: 22:27 RX
    Byrnsie: :)
    Esra: 26:45 85# banded
    Joe M.: 26:20 95#
    Kevin H.: 19:39 115#
    Mary H.: 28:28 80#
    JP 24:15 ROM
    Katie M.: 31:00 70# du attempts
    Laura S.: 26:29 73# rom
    Jess M.: 24:20 70# rom
    King: 25:ish RX
    Ellie: 24:19 RX

  3. 1pm
    Lauren d 20:48 65fs rom 10 du
    Wes 19:15 65hng rr 5du
    Mike Roth 19:05 115
    Gordy 17:37 95

  4. Rich 15:06 rx
    Donna 22:22 85#, 10 dubs, pu rom
    Danielle 22:05 rx
    Kevin T 21:07 125#
    Alona 21:30 rx
    Shawna 27:01 65#, dua
    Caitlyn 23;32 75#, bnd
    Mariana 23:15 85# sq cleans, 10 dubs
    Mike Sant 27:54 95

    Kyle G 30:46 95#, bnd, 15 dua
    Meggan 28:05 75, rr, 15 dubs
    Remer 19:04 rx
    Tia 26:14 10 dubs
    Tori 20:04 55#
