
W.O.D. 10.18.17

Barbell Complex
10 sets
(every 2:00 Minutes)
1 Front Squat + 3 Shoulder to Overhead

(Build each set to a MAX weight, prepare to hit your MAX weight between sets 5/7 then work at 80-90% for the remainder of the sets)

Cash out:
3 Rounds:
20 AB-Mat Sit ups
20 Russian Med-Ball Twists

3 Rounds:
20 GHD Sit-ups
20 Hip Extensions

3 Rounds:
20 GHD Sit-ups
20 Hip Back Extensions

“Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.” 
—Wayne W. Dyer


  1. Kevin b 150 4:14 int
    Manisha 80
    Mike Sa 115
    Theresa 130

    Laura a 140
    Brittany e 105

  2. 7am
    RAJ 150 NFT int
    Joe c 195 8:02 int
    Anna 95 5:48 romghd int

  3. 9:30 AM

    Jill H. 120,5:11 int
    Mary H. 105,5:46 ghd+rt
    Karen S. 80,4:10 N
    Jackie H. 115(3 FS + 2 stop),5:01 int
    Luis M. 185,5:20 N
    Jess A. 100,5:05 N

  4. 12:15 EXP

    Nicole R. 85,N
    Laura S. 115,plank
    Kate M. 90,N
    Dana D. 135,int
    Pete D. 170,int
    Byrnsie. 155,mod N
    Rich A. 200,int
    Karen M. 105,int 7:42
    Tim H. 155,int
    Meredith H. 95,int 7:42
    Pam G. 150,adv

  5. 630
    Esra 110 int
    Steph c 95 int
    Caitlyn 90 int
    Josh mc 175 into
    Marissa 115 int
    Gia 90 rom int
    Heleen 105 int
    Brandon 135 rom int

    Dave 225 int
    Neil 205 int
    Erika 95 int
    Mark spak 165 int

  6. 4:30

    Danielle 135
    Donna 110
    Jonathan P 240 int
    Lucille 95
    Alex Tu 105 nov
    Alex Th 80
    Adam 165 nov
    Orell 155


    Alicia 110 int
    Mark St 185 int
    Angelo 205 int
    Shawna 105
    Josh P 175
    Allison 133 int
    Kyle G 95 nov
    Cas 100 nov
    Samson 145 int
