
W.O.D. 9.10.17

4 Rounds For Time of: 
8 Deadlifts (185/275)
16 Burpees 
2 Rope Climbs (15 ft) 
400 meter Run 

Community Notes:
OPEN GYM today from 11-1PM, FREE for members. Join us to work on a skill, strength, missed wod, mobility or stretching. (or just socialize) ---Your choice.

"Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life."
-Robin Sharma

1 comment:

  1. Meggan 24:16 3rd rd 175, 1 climb
    Alan 25:07 3rd rd 125 rr/bike
    May 25:02 135# bike
    Kat 29:27 125 bike 1/2 mile 3 rds
    Anne 27:11 105 5 pulls

    McHugh 27:15 225
    Jon P 19:56 245
    Cline 27:00 185
    Steph C 24:24 115
    Alona 22:54 Rx
    Sarah S 24:30 53# kb

