
W.O.D. 8.4.17

AMRAP in 15 minutes of: 
 1 Pistol Right Leg, 1 Pistol Left Leg, 1 HandStand Push-up 
 2 Pistols Right Leg, 2 Pistols Left Leg, 2 HandStand Push-ups 
 3 Pistols Right Leg, 3 Pistols Left Leg, 3 HandStand Push-ups 
 ....and so on until 15 minutes has elapsed. 

Community Notes:
Join us tomorrow (8/5) for our FREE friends and family day, and special water play class for kids 7 and under!

 “A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t.” 
– Jack Dempsey


  1. 5:15a/6a
    Theresa L 205 Rx
    Bret B 3abm/pole+plate
    Mike Mc 135 35kb lunges/push ups
    Mike San 86 band/kick ups
    Kevin B 129 Rx
    Mae T 108 box/kick up

    Ellie 95 1/2abm
    Mark Sp band/2/3abm
    Tim H 96 35#db press/band

  2. 7am
    Manisha 85 (1ab/band)
    Anna 126 (sb on box/band)

  3. Rakia 150 bnd/sb
    Suijin 154rx
    Mike Roth 104 2abm
    Ina 139 floss/2abm
    Kevin h 131 box
    Cameron 135 bnd/lsp25
    Meggan 117 bnd/sb
    Brian r 170 box/lsp
    Jackie 136 sb
    Sydney 44 Rx!!!!!!!!!!
    Jill h 108 bnd/abm
    Mary h 118 2abm /bnd
    Jess a 128 bnd/sb

  4. Matt t 165 bnd lsit 30
    Neil 104 3abm
    Rich a 236 Rx
    Nicole r 175 3abm/abm
    Meredith 216 3abm/bnd

  5. 3:30

    Aileen 57 ab
    Mooney 209 Rx
    Bryan 108 Rx
    Edwin 103 pisROM
    Remer 207 Rx


    Jill A 321 Rx 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
    Shawna 61 ab
    Chris S 95 17" ab
    Justin C 240 Rx
    Angelo 135 pisROM


    Mark St 176 Rx
    Nicole 171 bandedPIS ab
    Joe T 135 bandePIS
    Caitlyn 222 bandedPIS ab

    6:30 BAC

    Cline 79 pisROM 2 ab
