
W.O.D. 8.18.17

For time: 
9 Bar muscle-ups 
21 Hang power clean (75/115#) 
7 Bar muscle-ups 
15 Hang power clean (75/115#) 
5 Bar muscle-ups 
9 Hang power clean (75/115#) 

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex (110C DeKalb), please meet and park there.

Tomorrow, August 19th is our last FREE Summer Saturday, bring a friend for free!

"Any game played with the body, it's the head that counts."
-James Kerr


  1. 7am
    Andrew c 3:18 rx
    Steph v 5:17 (11/9/7 band pull ups)
    Noel 12:58 rx
    Joe c 6:14 (mua/c2b)

  2. 5:15a/6a
    Mark Sp 11:26 C2B Pull ups
    Theresa L 14:40 Band
    Alex P 7:52 Banded pull ups/65#
    Holly F 9:31 Banded pull ups/65#
    Mike San 11:42 Band/95#
    Ellie 13:33 Band
    Mike Mc :)

    Dana D 9:49 Rx
    JP 9:02 Rx
    Angelo 5:57 Rx
    Jeff B 5:25 JMU 13" box
    Jason L 8:42 low bar + band

  3. 9:30 AM
    Kevin H 4:47 95/GHD
    Mary H 6:15 65 /JBM
    Jackie H 5:33 (JBM/ GHD)
    Moogan 5:53 PU 115
    Michael R 5:43 95 kipPU
    Meggan 6:24 PU
    Julie R 7:04 65 pU
    Ina 5:47 53 / floss PU
    Barb Z 6:33 55/green

  4. 12:15
    Aimee 6:35 Rx
    Mike Sim 4:54 rx
    Olan 7:17 Rx
    Pam G 3:42 JBM
    Jonathan 4:22 Rx
    Yolanda 5:29 RR 55#
    Jessie S 6:10 63# PU
    Edwin 5:40 Rx
    Luis 6:00 JBM 95#
    Joe M 6:28 95# JBM
    Tim H 4:44 95# band

  5. 3:00

    Dave(NY) 7:49 JMU 75
    Dean 13:10 95 7-5-3 95
    Rob C 10:00 jmu
    Mae 11:52 JMUa 53
    Aileen 8:16 JMUa
    Mooney 5:47 Rx
    Danielle 5:26 JMU


    Jenni 7:39 JMU
    Bryan 7:34 75
    Jill A 5:31 Rx
    Regi 80%
    Matt E 6:50 C2B
    Karen 6:56 JMU 75
    Sarah 5:33 sc


    Alicia-Marie 9:48 5-3-3
    Ezra 12:21 JMU
    Nicole M 4:40 flossPU 65
    Joe T 12:42 95
    Chris S 6:44 JMU
    Caitlyn 10:16 JMU
    Kat 922 JMU 45


    Neil 8:10 14-11-8 C2B
    Erika 6:26 bandPU 35#KBS
