
W.O.D. 8.15.17

5 Rounds for time of:
250 M Row
25 Thrusters (45#)
15 GHD Hip Extensions

"You will never become clever though your mistakes."
-German Proverb


  1. 6am
    Jp 13:57 rx
    Dana d 20:10 rx
    Manisha 22:34 (33)
    Angelo 16:32 rx
    Ellie 20:34 rx
    Mark spak 18:25 (Sup)
    Jeff 16:04 (Sup)
    Mark c 15:05 (Sup)
    Theresa 17:11 rx
    Lauren c 21:26 rx
    Brittany 21:21 (Sup)

    Laura a 17:02 rx
    David b 18:32 (3 rds Sup/ 2 ghd)

  2. 9:30am
    Aimee 14:59 Rx
    Mike Sim 17:04 SM
    Mary H 21:14 33#
    Rakia 23:25 33# SM
    Moogan 16:30 3Rounds
    Jonathan 19:52 4R 33# SM
    Sydney Hain 15:43 3R 15# SM

  3. 12:15pm
    Mr Intensity 20:17 SM
    Joe M 21:06 pvc good mornings
    Steph C 19:53 33# 1/2 and 1/2
    Pam G 16:54 Rx
    Tim H 11:30 3Rds
    Erika L 15:58 4Rds 33# good mornings pvc
    Kevin To 17:18 SM
    Jessie 18:29 33# SM
    Miranda 16:07 4rds 33# pvc good mornings
    Josh Mc 14:38 Rx
    Pete D 18:48 Rx
    Jonathan P 14:46 Rx

  4. Masters and a Youngin
    5 rounds for time
    250m row/ 15 thrusters/ 10 hip ext
    Barb C 20:49 15#
    Terry 17:05 15# press
    Ina 17:39 15#
    Barb Z 19:21 15#
    Sarina 16:36 33#

  5. Katie M: 22:30 (33#sm)
    Olan: 21:24 rx
    Mark St: 16:53 rx
    Keith: 14:35 rx
    Jilla: 15:39 rx
    Laura S: 18:12 33#sm
    me: 18:00 rx (thanks for ignoring me jenna)

  6. Dave 22:08 Rx
    Neil 21:14 Rx
    Heleen 27:39 Rx
    Esra 33:34 Rx
    Bryan 24:27 (10 Ext)
    Chris S 17:55 Rx
    Mike Roth 20:28 (10 Ext ROM)

  7. 5:30

    Chico 20:39 25#db 1 arm R
    Justin C 17:59 Rx
    Giuls 19:31 Rx
    Matt B 19:33 Super
    Nicole 19:34 33 3rnds GHD
    Anne Br 18:22 MRx
    Raj 22:08 Super

  8. better late than never?? Sorry guys realized I never posted

    Lucille 29:01 rx
    Tia 24:47 rx
    Swarmed 24:33Rx
    Erik 23:42 SM
    Matt E 23:45 Rx
    Mike Mc 19:11 15 DB SP/15 GOB Sq
    Caitlin 23:10 Rx
    Alan k 20:45 15# 20# KB DL 53# for HE
