
W.O.D. 7.9.17

Take 20 Minutes:
Build to a 10 RM Back Squat


Toes to Bar
Back Squat 105/155#
Power Clean 105/155#

Community Notes:
All classes will be held in the Annex today (110C Dekalb). Please meet and park there.

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. 

1 comment:

  1. Matt 95#, 16:00 (75#, Knee raises)
    Victoria 65#, 11:52 (Knee raises, mb clean, 15#)
    Brian S 175#, 14:34 (135#)
    Kevin T 155#, 13:25 (95#)
    Lindsey 105#, 14:49 (65#)
    Ben 175#, 14:39 (115#)
    Jill A 215#, 12:08 RX
    Karen 145#, :) (ttb/bs)

    *10a had 12m time cap on cashout:
    Gordy 220; 131 (115#)
    Mooney 220; 100 (135#)
    Christine 143; 99 (ttb floor)
    Anne 68 to box; 120 (kr, 53 to box)
    Sheila 93; 11:22 (ttb floor, 52)
    Sydney 88; 80 (KR, 52#)
    Bret 245; 88 (135#)
    Bryan 165; 113 (95#)
    Raj 175; 109 (ttb rom)
    Kate K 117; 103 (75#)
    Cameron 125; 91 (kr, 95#)
    Carson 165; 112 (95#, ttb rom)
    Aileen 164 DK; 12:12 (105# DK, ttb rom)
