
W.O.D. 7.7.17

for time:
2K Row


rest 5:00 minutes


3 Rounds for time of:
10 Deadlifts 185/275#
50 Double Unders

Record two separate scores

Community Notes:
All WEEKEND classes will be held in the Annex today (110C Dekalb). Please meet and park there.

“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” 
 ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


  1. 5:15am
    Alex P 9:26/ 8:07 105#, 25 DUA
    Holly F 9:39/ 7:37 105# 25 DUA
    Mike Mc 7:39/ 8:00 135# 2min DU
    Kevin 7:10/ 9:50 225#

    Lauren C 8:48/ 9:04 125#
    Briana 8:51/ 11:49 Rx
    Dave L 9:09/ 8:51 165# 100SU
    Mike San 8:57/ 11:53 185#
    Mark Sp 7:25/ 8:45 205#
    Jeff B 7:14/ 8:31 225#

    Kate K 9:26/ 8:30 135#
    Esra 9:23/ 11:50 Rx

    Moogan 8:03 :)
    Kevin H 8:04/ 5:30 Rx
    Jackie H 8:19/ 10:28 40 DU 185/70kb
    Jill H 8:28/ 10:05 Rx
    Mary H 9:00/ 7:23 135# (1/2)
    Jess A 8:59/ 7:22 145, 15DUA
    Laura S 8:49/ 7:49 44#kb
    Aimee 8:54/ 4:44 Rx
    Jenna K 8:53/ 7:40 Rx

    Pam 8:17/ 5:39 Rx
    Mike Sim 7:12/ 6:52 Rx
    Gordy 7:48/ 6:39 225#
    Josh Mc 7:30/ 7:03 Rx
    Dave H 7:19/ 7:52 Rx
    Jessie 10:03/ 18:05 113#
    Rich A 7:32/ 6:57 Rx
    Meredith 9:04 5:25 15DUA 155#
    Kevin T 8:12/ 6:08 185#
    Cameron 8:50/ 8:10 165#
    Carson 7:53/7:22 185# 15 DUA
    Marissa 9:33/ 7:37 175# 15DUA

  2. 3:30pm
    Sarina 8:11/ 7:21 125# unbroken, 25DUA
    Remer 7:48/ 7:24 Rx
    Regi 9:26/ 5:17 155#
    Nicole 10:05/ 8:23 135# 20DU's
    Pete 7:59/ 10:25 195# 25DUA
    Chico 8:50/ 7:15 185# 25DUA
    Katie 9:12/ 10:38 135# 20DU's
    Manny 8:54/ 10:19 185# 25DUA
    Mae 9:25/ 10:43 135# 20DUA
    Dona 8:50/ 7:08 165#
    Danielle 8:22/ 7:15 25DU's

    Giulia 8:47/ 7:22 Rx
    Brett 6:49/ 7:09 Rx
    Justin 7:00/ 5:12 Rx
    Karen 9:07/ 8:33 25 DUA
    Sarmed 8:18/ 11:33 165# 25DUA
    Ina 10:11/ 9:12 95# 25DU's
    Shawna 9:07/ 9:33 135# 25 DUA
    Alex 8:19/ 8:10 135# 25DUA

    Keith D 8:45/ 6:05 SU 215#
    Raj 8:29/ 9:06 Rx
    Matt E 7:10/ 12:50 Rx

    Mike Ro 7:50/ 8:09 185#
    Borden 8:03/ 8:12 255#
