
W.O.D. 6.6.17

5 rounds for reps of: 
1 minute of 55/75-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls 
1 minute of 55/75-lb push presses 
1 minute of rowing 

 Rest 1 minute

Score is total reps from all rounds

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” 
—Arnold Schwarzenegger


  1. 6am
    Mike San 198 (65)
    Brittany 247 (45)
    Manisha 215 rx
    Nelson 279 rx- welcome!
    Mark spak 239 rx
    Kevin 282 rx

    Joe c 272 rx
    Rob c 281 rx
    Raj 252 rx

  2. 9:30am

    Dave H 287 Rx
    Mary H 224 Rx
    Kevin H 287 Rx
    Jill H 249 Rx
    Cameron H 179 65#
    Katie M 213 Rx
    Karen S 190 45#
    Lauren C 231 Rx

  3. 12:15
    Pam G 312 Rx
    Mike Sim 318 Rx
    Steph V 3 rounds press 33# PC 53#
    Clay 294 Rx
    Tim H 264 53# Russian KB swing, 75# pp
    Tori 242 53#
    Erika L 165 Rx
    Meredith 203 Rx
    Jessie 187 53#
    Rich A 347 Rx

  4. Aimee 326 Rx
    Cate 312 Rx
    Jeremy Rx

  5. Masters 1:00
    750 m row
    3 rds 5 pu, 10 bj, 20 situps, 30 squats
    750 m row
    Joyce 14:29 (2rd 500 m)
    Terry 18:49
    Sheila 19:03

  6. Erik f 240rx
    Matt b 244 Rx
    Josh s 210rx
    Donna 206rx (1st Rx!)
    Danielle g 273 Rx
    Ash m 271rx
    Tia 235rx
    Alexis 208 53
    Caitlyn 223 Rx (first Rx!)
    Justin c 338rx
    Alan 224 kbs 26/sp33

  7. Dudes After Dark
    Sharon 204 (45)
    Jocelyn 125 (45)
    Dave 274 Rx
    Bryan 214 (65)
    Neil 290 rx
    Heleen 247 (45)

    Team work ab cashout!

  8. Jason: 281 rx
    Keith: 333 rx
    Miranda: 283 scale
    Manny: 188 (65#)
    Chris S: 299 rx
    Samson: 266 rx
    Katie P: 259 rx
    Barbara: 192 (35#)
    Mike M: 178 (65#)
    DD: 275 rx
    Shawna: 196 rx
    Mooney: 317 rx
    Ina: 238 (35#)
    Alex: 204 rx
    Guilz: 276 rx
    Ashley: 200 (35#)
    Holly: 329 rx
    Remer: 281 rx
    Ryan Al: 163 rx

  9. 5:30

    Laura 311
    josh Mc 356
    Michael 213
    Matt 3 298
    Joe M 214
    Jill A 279
    Alicia-marie 247
    Lindsey 211
    Aileen 285
    Stephanie C 215
    Fayth 229 45#
    Josh P 263

  10. Alan 16:07 (15 ski cal, 10 DBHCJ #15)
    Dave 21:03 (95#)
    Esra 29:28 Rx
    Nancy 23:20 (53#)
    Dan 19:12 (95#)
    Michael Roth 17:50 (100#)
    Johnny 17:50 (85#)
    Greg 23:50 (85#)
    Neil After Dark 20:22 Rx
