
W.O.D. 6.4.17

Push Press

Cash out:
AMRAP in 7 Minutes
30 Double Unders
25 Feet Handstand Walk

Coaches Notes:
(*Modify and scale the Hanstand walk by attempting to walk towards the wall (x3), or with shoulder taps (10 Alternating L/R), or holding a static position on the wall (25 seconds).)

Community Notes:
OPEN GYM - FREE for members today from 11:00 AM- 1:00 PM.
Please join us at the Tap House at 5PM for Marge's going away party!

Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose. 
 -Joe Duncan


  1. Lizzie 75#, 5+30 (hs holds)
    Jocelyn 75# PR!, 1+10 (10 dua, kick up att)
    Mark St 175#, 7 RX
    Ryan A 225 PR?, 4+4 (15 dua, hs hold)
    Laura A 115, 5+30 (walk to wall)
    Kat 65 PR!, 3+12 (15 dua, tap att)

    Cline 135, 4+29 (tap att)
    Bryan S 120 PR!, 2+30 (tap att)
    Chris San 145, 3+30 (kick up att)
    Joe M 160 PR!, 4 (kick ups, 15 DU)
    Cameron 105, 4 (kick ups, 10 dua)
    Erik 165, 3 (15 du, hs holds)
    Raj 125, 4 (tap att)
    Sydney 73, 3+11 (hs holds, 15 dua)

    Congrats to Kat on her first double unders today!

  2. Rachel, I had 255#. Tied my PR, didn't set a new one.
