
W.O.D. 5.16.17

Overhead Squat

Cash out:
800 Meter Run
70 Double Unders
35 GHD or Ab-Mat Sit-ups

Community Notes:
Join us tonight at 5:30PM for Yoga with Tori (upstairs in the Annex).

"Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit."
-Napoleon Hill


  1. Dana d 120 pr! 6:45 rx
    Manisha 85 8:36 rx
    Jason l 195 7:52 (abmat)
    Ellie 105 7:38 rx
    Mark spak 125 8:26 (abmat)
    Mike San 115 7:40 rx
    Kevin 165 6:20 rx

    Raj 155 8:25 rx
    Rob c 175 pr? 8:35 rx- first ghds!!

  2. 12:15
    Giulia 134# 6:38 GHD
    Donkey 73# to 20" 6:58 ( bike, kb swing 53# ABMat)
    Tim H 100# 9:45 bike 50 c,15 DU, 35 GHD)
    Olan 155# 7:03 ABMat
    Jessie S 85# 8:03 AbMat
    Erika L 83# 8:05 30 DU, 15 TTB
    Justin D 63# to 20"
    Pete D 125# 10:30
    Kevin T 145#
    Angelo 135# 6:15 GHD
    Rich A 185# 5:15 AbMat
    Pam G 115# (125 after WOD) 6:35 GHD

  3. 9:30 Barb 50 9:08 abm 2xsu
    Kevin 35form 6:20 Rx ghd
    Jackie 115 10:30 35du
    Jill h 95 8:50rx
    Cameron 85 7:48 2xsu abm
    Mary h 65 10:09 50du abm
    Nicole n 75 10:35 75 10:35 Rx ghd
    Julie 85 9:30 su, plank
    Bekah 138 10:43 Rx ghd
    Edwin 135 6:02 Rx ghd

  4. Masters
    3 RM OHS
    then, 800M Run, 35 DU, 35 Situps
    Anne B 45 8:45
    Sheila 40 12:00

    Jeremy 195
    Alex 55 # PR 9:36 DUA
    Holly F 35# PR 9:30 DUA
    Remer 200# PR! 5:49 rom GHD
    Mike M 135# FS 8:44 35 attempts ABM
    Manny 95# 8:57 DUA ABM
    Laura A 125# 5:26 Rx
    Alicia 125# PR! 7:40 ABM
    Keith 245# 7:47 row GHD
    Ryan A 265# PR! 9:48 22DU, 20 RoM GHD
    Miranda 105# 7:47 Row, Knee raises
    Jess A 70# 9:57 25 Attempts ABM
    Dave H 155# 7:08 GHD
    Erik F 155 8:06 1/2 DU, ABM

  5. Noel 145, 8:58 Rx
    Neil 165 Pr!, 10:10 (duatt, GHD rom)
    Bryan 75, 8:36 (35 duatt, 25 ghd rom)
    Mike Roth 95, 5:39 (30 du, abm)
    Heleen 95 Pr!, 8:14 (duatt, 20 ghd)
    Andrew 275, 5:56 Rx
    Dave 195, 7:45 Rx

  6. 5:30

    Shwana 95 PR 10:15 35dua ab
    Maggie 155 PR 5:36 Rx
    Mark St 135 PR 5:48 ab
    Danielle 125 PR 8:16 50DU
    Aileen 115 PR 8:00 Rx
    Mooney 185 9:29 Rx
    Josh S 185 10:10 3xSU
    Josh P 155 PR 6:44 15ghd/20ab
    Chico 155 10:25 35dua/ab

  7. 6:30
    Justin c 185 5:27 Rx ghd
    Josh m 135 6:49 Rx ghd
    Tia 115 8:22 Rx ghd
    Rachel / 6:32 Rx ghd
    Caitlyn 87 8:33 35du rom ghd
    Marissa 105 7:10 Rx ghd
    Donna 85 7:59 35 du ghd rom
    Matt b 155 8:47 Rx ghd
    Lindsey 95 9:14 50du ghd
