
W.O.D. 4.8.17

1 RM Snatch
1 RM Clean and Jerk

Community Notes:
Join us today and help our Bridgeport Barbell Club get to Nationals. MAX OUT your Snatch and Clean and Jerk, this will run (in classes at 9/10AM and thorough 1PM!

This is a fundraiser event. Donations of $20 are suggested (and appreciated) but not mandatory. 

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. 
–Anais Nin

1 comment:

  1. 9am (lbs)
    Sarah W- 95CJ PR!
    Ellie- Accessory work
    Manisha 45/75 Form
    Katie 72/90

    10am (lbs)
    Donna 65 PR!/95
    Danielle 85/20
    Keith 231/275
    Alicia 108PR!/135PR!
    Dana 97PR!/125
    Pam 97/154
    Rich 180SN
    Patrick- 1st time learning lifts

    11am (kilos)
    Jovina 18/23
    Loyal 30CJ PR!
    Grace 29/28
    Sydney 29/48PR!
    Vincent 26PR!/20
    Faby 115/130
    Bekah 58/73PR!
    Christine 60PR!/71
    Mike Ro. 50/70
    Rachel 70Sn
    Michal 60/65
    Chloe 39PR!/59PR!
