
W.O.D. 4.13.17

Box Jumps (24/30")
Handstand Push-ups
GHD Sit-ups

(Every minute on the minute complete 5 Burpees)

Community Notes:
There will be NO Classes on Saturday 4/15, we are hosting the Girls on Girls competition.

On Sunday 4/16 we will have a 9/10 AM CrossFit Class and OPEN strength from 9-11AM.

Whenever you see a successful person you only see the public glories, never the private sacrifices to reach them.
-Vaibhav Shah


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 6am
    Dana D 13:39 Rx
    Mike Sim. 15:40 24" box
    Ellie H 17:53 (2abmats/SB)
    Becca N 18:51 (HPU scale)
    Manisha 19:54 (2ab/15-10-5 hspu)
    Lisa Ch. 21:55
    Mark Sp. 20:48 hspu att.

    Keara S 18:39 Rx
    Alex L 14:42 Rx
    Kate K 24:36 2abmats
    Ashley M 18:50 (3abmats/9-6-3 hspu)
    Lauren M (2abmats, 15-10-5 hspu)

  3. Gordy 11:48 Masters RX 24" 3" rise for HSPU
    Aimee 8:45 RX
    Jenna 15:40 (HSPU 15-10-5)

    Jill H 17:37 (HSPU 1AbMat 15-10-5, 3 Burpees)
    Jess A 20:00 (3 Burpees, Box HSPU)
    Katie M 24:51 ( 20" box, 3 AbMats)
    Julie R 15:00 ( EMOM 7 KB Swings, 25# DB) Mama Scale
    Sarah W 15:00 ( Box + AbMat HSPU, ROM GHD)
    Michael R 21:35 (25# L-Sit Press, ROM GHD)

  4. 12:15
    Tim H 18:25 (26" Box Jump, DB Press)
    Jessie S 21:57 (2 AbMat)
    Justin D 24:00 (21-15 Reps/ DB Press)
    Rich A 12:54 RX

    1:00PM Masters
    5 Rounds
    1 Minute per Station
    Burpees-Box Jumps-Ski ERG-AbMat Sit-up
    Anne 67,63,60,68,73 = 331
    Sheila 49,49,45,49,52 = 244
    Terry 59,57,53,56,60 = 285

  5. Holly 14:47 Rx
    Barb C 15:38 13" wallwalk
    Michelle H 17:00 15# db 17"
    Olan 20:59 2ab
    Remer 11:34 ab situp
    Mike M 18:59 25# db
    Karen M 19:47 20# 2ab rom
    Edwin 20:30 air bike
    Regi 12:57 Rx
    Jill A 11:40 Rx

    Giulia 14:42 Rx
    Alison 11:43 17"
    Twinnie 20:04 1abm
    Kat 14:49 15db press 15/10/5 ghd 7"
    Josh S 20:01 3burpees 1abm
    Alexis 19:00 rom hspu
    Therese 19:54 attempts 20"
    Aileen 18:49 sc hspu
    Mooney 13:30 Rx
    Lindsey 18:58 plate ab 9/75 20"
    Shawna 13:49 3 burpees 20" rom hs
    Jen S 12:33 sc 20#db situps 20"
    Mariana 16:59 2ab hspu

  6. Caitlyn 17:55, 13", 15# lsp
    Donna 15:02 20", 15# lsp
    Chico 14:49' 24", 15-10-5 2abm
    Nate 21:35 5 hspu 2abm, 20# lsp
    Erik 19:51 35# lsp 21-9-6 GHD rom
    Ryan A 16:55 24", 3abm, 15-10-9 GHD rom

    Josh M 13:54 Rx
    Noel 16:35 2/3 abm
    Andrew 8:35 Rx


  7. 530 Endurance track workout

    Our beginning of the season baseline workout included a 1Mile Run for time; with 6 min rest, and then a few sprint intervals.

    Edwin 6:13
    Laura Alt. 6:30.4
    Joy C 6:39.6
    Maggie 6:59.6
    Flounder 8:02.0
    Paul D 7:13 ?? waiting to update this, Paul try to be on time! ;)
