
W.O.D. 4.11.17

ARMAP in 20 Minutes:
25 Calorie Row
25 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
25 Sumo-Deadlift High Pull (75/115#)
25 Shoulder to Overhead (75/115#)

Score will be total REPS

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly.


  1. 6am
    Dana d 221 rx
    Mike San 179 (75)
    Jeff 219 rx
    Mark spak 180 (95/pu)

    Kate k 149(pulls)
    Marissa 153(pu)
    Mooney 222 rx
    Aileen 187 rx
    Danielle 158 (pua/65)
    Raj 163 (15pu)
    Joe c 188 rx
    Alex 175 (95)

  2. 9:30
    Jill h 194 pull ups
    Barb z 213 bnd/40
    Sarah w 213 55 pull ups
    Bekah 204 10c2b 53rus kbs
    Katie 189 55 bnd
    Jess a 162 55 bnd

  3. 12:15 and Masters
    Jessie 216 sc
    Mike Sim 263 rx
    Karen M 200 75# PU
    Miranda 178 sc
    Brian R 180 sc 75#
    Nicole R 12 min AMRAP 100 reps Sc
    Pam G 233 rx
    Ina 194 (sc)

    Anne and Sheila 253 reps - masters modification
    team- Prowler, SDLHP, DBPP, KBS

  4. Cline 200 (pull-up, 75# sumo, 95# s2oh)
    Ryan A 169 RX
    Rob C 178 RX
    Neil 146 RX
    Dave 186 RX

    Awesome Dudes class tonight, nice job gentlemen!

  5. 5:30

    Jen S 263 Sc
    Shawna 146 PU
    Alexis 196 pu 55
    Laura 237 Rx
    Josh Mc 236 ROM(S2OH)
    Alone 164 PU
    Josh S 175 Rx
    Tia 152 1/2 PU 65
    Stephanie Mc 185 65
    Matt E 160 Rx
    Donna 200 band 55
    Kat 179 band 35
    Josh P 187 pu 95

  6. Olan: 196 rx
    jilla: 212 rx
    keith: 242 rx
    giulz: 228 rx
    amm: 163 rx
    tori: 158 (65# band)
    mike m: 179 (75# pu)
    remer: 186 rx
    michelle: 205 (35# 10pu band)
    edwin: 166 rx

  7. 630
    Ash 213 pullups
    Kristen 207 Bnd pullups
    Heleen 153 pullups, 65#
    Lindsey 185 pull ups 55#
    Rich 233 rx
    Nate 163 85#
    Matt B 170 RX
