
W.O.D. 3.26.17

For time:
Bench Press (135/95#)
Strict Pull-ups

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell

1 comment:

  1. Kat 25:00 cap (75#, pu rep sc)
    Karen M 25:00 (75# band)
    Mike M 15:20 (95#, some pu att)
    David 15:something (95#, band)
    Mooney 11:30 RX
    Mark St 9:03 RX
    Aileen 16:31 (75#, band)

    *Welcome David! Dropping in from Ohio

    Alison 12:19 (band)
    Steph McG 16:35 (55#)
    Sarah 16:40 (band, 55#)
    Bryan S 17:20 (95#)
    Kristen 15:12 (band, 75#)
    Danielle G 14:57 (band, 75#)
