
W.O.D. 3.14.17

************SNOW NOTES***************
WE will be CLOSED for the 6/7/9:30AM 12:15, 1:00PM (Masters) classes today.  

We are going to OPEN for the daily WOD at 4:30PM and OPEN gym from 4:30-6:30PM. 

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
250 Meter Row
15 Dumbbell Push Press (25/35#)
15 Deadlifts (95/135#)

Community Notes: 
This FRIDAY is the fourth week of the CrossFit Games OPEN (17.4), we will run heats (upon arrival) from 3:30PM until 7:30PM (and the workout will run in all other classes throughout the day, as well). Friends and spectators are welcome. Drop-ins are only $10 for FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS!

“Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.” 
—William Ellery Channing

1 comment:

  1. Snow Day!!
    Partner WOD
    AMRAP in 30
    500m row
    15 db push press 25/35
    15 deadlifts 95/135

    Jenna and Rachel 7+41 Rx
    Alan and Nate 5 25#
    Alison and Kristen 7+42 Rx
    Edwin (Rx) and Mary (20/80) 6+26
    Alexis and Ali 6 15/85
    Matt and Josh 7 Rx
    Kevin and Michael 6+29 Rx
    Alona and Matt 7+51 Rx
    Talia (Rx) and King (115) 8

