
W.O.D. 2.13.17


Skill: Ring Dip
5 Ring dips on the minute for 5 Minutes

Box Jump (24/30")
Shoulder to Overhead (95/135#)
Hand Release Push-ups

Community Notes:
Join us tomorrow, Valentines Day (2/14) for our 9th Annual Valentines Day Massacre.
  Feel free to bring your significant other, partner, friend, relative or enemy...to give CrossFit a try. Even if you don't come with a partner, You will be paired up with someone. There will be FREE babysitting available at 9:30 AM today!
We will scale this based on level and ability for new comers. This is a FREE class for first timers who come with a current CFKoP member!!

Join Shawna at 5:30PM on Wednesday (2/15) in the Annex Upstairs for one hour of Mobility work, YES you all need it!

There will be a CrossFit KoP Social at 7:00PM on Friday night (2/17) at the Conshohocken Brew Pub-(across from the gym)...we will celebrate the end of the nutrition challenge!

They invented hugs to let people know you love them without saying anything. 
-Bil Keane


  1. 5:15a
    Theresa L 9:58 85#
    John K 9:43 115#
    Dianne M 11:03 20"/35#/knee
    Mike San 14:11 27.5"/95#
    Jason L 11:16 24"

  2. 9:30 AM
    Karen S 11:59 55#
    Kate K 10:50 75#
    Alejandra 10:57 55#
    David C 9:20 24"/63#
    Jill H 12:00 85#
    Jackie H 9:28 65#
    Mary H 9:56 65#
    Manisha 12:46 70#

  3. 3:30
    Tim P14:05 Rx
    Erik F 12:28 115#
    Barb Z 11:18 35# 13"
    Jodilee 10:10 45# 20"
    Ina 9:58 15# 17"
    Dana 11:20 Rx
    Nicole 10:18 55#

  4. Blackout wod
    3 --1:00 minute rounds
    Push jerk
    Box jump
    Toes to bar
    Hand release push-up
    Ryan 195
    Mooney 218
    Olan 205
    Remer 235
    Dave 234
    Jenna 219
    Laura A 243
    Julie R 227
    Aileen 226
    Marissa 212
    Joe m162
    Justin R 228
    Mike M168
    Therese N 195
    Alex T 219
    Jess A 175

  5. 5:30
    Mariana 11:22 75#
    Twinnie 10:45 75/65#
    Jill A 11:19 Rx
    Shawna 13:59 75#/13"
    Matt B 13:20 Rx
    Josh P 10:32 95#
    Alexis 11:29 65#
    Arya 11:58 15#/13"
    Rob C 10:45 Rx
    Mark S 8:16 115#/24"
    Maggie 9:05 Rx
    Giulia 10:24 Rx

  6. 6am
    Jeff B 8:28 115
    Katie M 13:01 13:01 20" 60 Incline
    Ben M 12:29 100, snake
    Becca Ouchie

    Anna 12:41 20"step 53 incline
    Joe C 13:25 115

    Meredith 11:19 17" 65 snake
    Rich A 8:13 almost Rx (for hand release for first 5-7)
    Kevin B 8:48 105
    kevin H 9:31 115
    Mike Co 9:24 24" 95 Snake
    Nicole R 12:10 20" 53 incline
    brian R 13:05 20" 75 Snake

  7. 630

    Andrew C 6:00 rx
    Ash 13:21 rx
    Kalen 9:43 rx
    Borden 10:36 24", 115#, knee pu
    Danielle 13:20rx
    Donna 11:10, 17", 65#
    Mike Roth. 12:33 115#
    Jen S 7:55 20", 55#
    Alona 11:27 85#
    Cline 13:19 120#
    Dave N 12:30 rx
    Ryan A 11:49 24"
    Steph C 9:18 17", 55#
    Jon P 9:14 rx
    Rob P 13:40 115#
    Tia 10:59 85#
    Raj 10:12 20"
    Noel 13:18 95#
