
W.O.D. 11.23.16

3 Rounds for total time of:
30 Wallballs 14/20#
30 Kettlebell Swings 35/55#
15 Power Snatches 55/75#
10 Bar Muscle Ups

Rest 2:00 Minutes between rounds

(Time cap 20 Minutes)

Modified Thanksgiving Weekend Schedule:

Thursday, November 24th- Thanksgiving Day
8:00am Amazing Race (Friends and Family)
Free Babysitting Available

Friday, November 25th
9:30am WOD (Free Babysitting)
10:30am Open Strength
12:15pm Express WOD

Saturday, November 26th
10:00am WOD
10:00am CrossFit Kids Preschool
11:00am Open Strength

Sunday, November 27th
10:00 am WOD
11:00 am Open Strength

“This above all: to thine own self be true And it must follow, as the night the day Thou canst not then be false to any man/Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!”


  1. 5:15am
    Theresa L: 20:15 JMU
    Kevin B: 20:12 JMU
    Manisha S: 21:05 JMU

    Mark Spak: 21:03 JMU 45#
    Kate M: 20:48 JMU 45# 10# WB
    Ben M: 21:29 JMU
    Ellie H: 21:14 JMU
    Jon P: 21:25 JMU

    Paul D: 20:23 JMU
    Chris C: 20:32 JMU
    Kate K: 21:00 JMU

  2. 9:30 AM

    Aimee L. 20:03 Rx
    Pam G. 20:23 MUA
    Dana D. 20:48 1 BMU/banded MU
    Mike S. 20:07 Rx
    Mary H. 20:55 45 sn,12 ball, rings
    Kevin H. 20:10 64 sn,44 KB, rings
    Jenna K 20:40 jrings
    Jen S. 😊
    Alona K. 21:30 JMU
    Laura P. 18:50 jrings
    Laura A. 20:10 banded MU
    Nicole R. 20:20 35 sn, 26 KB,rings
    Karen S. 20:23 35 sn,26 KB,rings
    Jill H. 20:37 JMU
    Dave R. 20:10 JMU
    Kat O. 20:15,jrings
    Bryant B. 20:15 Rx
    Rita F. 20:55 45 sn,26 KB,rings
    Alex B. 20:56,Rx


  3. 12:15 EXP
    Dave N. 21:25 JMU
    Luis M. 21:25 44 KB,JMU
    Olan S. 21:18 JMU
    Rob C 20:25 rings
    Angelo K. 20:19 Rx
    Rich A. 20:10 Rx
    Nick C. 21:25 Rx
    Jessie S. 20:09 45 sn,Russian KB,12 wb,rings
    Scott M. 20:15 Rx
    Karen M. 20:21 55 sn,35 KB,rings
    Ina 20:25 35 sn,26 KB,rings
    Pianos 😏


  4. 4:30pm
    Giulz 17:10 1/2 Rx
    Josh 14:54 1/2 Rx
    Rachel 16:15 band
    Jess A 20:35 55/35 RR
    Raj 16:54 PU
    Bryan 16:15 55#
    Dave 14:54 1/2 Rx
    Esra 16:54 35 band
    Jill A 17:10 1/2 Rx
    Maggie 20:10 Rx

    Phani PU/ Noel 65#, 35kb, JBMU 20:23
    Brian R 65#, RR/ Shawna 5C2BA 20:20
    Twinnie/ Mariana, PU 20:17

  5. 6:30pm
    Danielle 5BPU/ Rob P 5SPU, 35#kb 17:30
    Ryan A and Mike Roth

    Whoops miscommunication with Sarina and I do not have the scores 😳😳😳

    Andrew C 18:51 RX
    Keara 19:48 10# wb, 26# KB, 25# Snatch, banded pullups
