
W.O.D. 10.8.16

for time:
Push Press (75/115#)
GHD Sit-up
Air Squat

Community Notes:
Don't forget, all CrossFit KoP members (and their friends and families) will save 10% on their whole purchase- 20% for VIP family at Road Runner Sports TODAY.  Join us at 9:30 AM for a FREE workout at King of Prussia Town Center, 155 Village Drive #150, King of Prussia, PA 19406. All levels and ages are welcome.

I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
—Jimmy Dean



1 comment:

  1. 9:00

    Rich 7:22 Rx
    Matt B 14:04 Rx
    Jen R 12:21 35 ab
    Sarah W 10:21 55 rom
    Terrine 12:13 35 ab
    Katie 12:05 55 rom


    Alone 10:38 75
    Brian S 8:31 95 ab
    brad 7:41 Rx
    Anne b 9:46 40 ab
    Jessie 10:14 55
    Chris D 8:30 ab
    Joe 9:31 75 ab
    Sean 9:59 ab
    Matt E 11:50 Rx
    Mark 9:08 Rx
    Stasie 11:56 40 ab
    Danielle 11:07 55
    Kris 11:27 55
