
W.O.D. 10.26.16

3 Rounds for time of:
40 Dumbbell Snatch (alternating) (35/50#)
5 Ring muscle ups

Community Notes:
Join us, Saturday 10/29 at 9:00AM for our annual "in house" Workout 'WOLVERINE', we will have a rolling start from 9am-11am to give you all time to finish the workout...don't forget to wear your costume too! Best costume wins a PRIZE!

Also on Saturday, bring your kiddos dressed up for a special Kids Class at 10AM in the Annex with Aimee and Family Yoga at 11AM in the Annex Upstairs with Tori!

The fact that you're not where you want to be should be enough motivation.


  1. 5:15am
    Theresa L: 11:40 30# SPU
    Manisha S: 14:15 25# SPU
    Mike San: 16:30 35# SPU
    Kevin B: 13:15 45# SPU

    Matt R: 16:00 40# SPU
    Angelo K: 13:35 40# MU
    Ben M: 17:28 45# SPU
    Kate M: 17:30 20# SPU
    John K: 11:56 45# RR
    Ellie H: 16:20 30# SPU

    Kate K's 7am
    13:21 25# SPU

    *10 x Strict Pull-up for MU 💪🏻

  2. 9:30 AM

    Jackie H. 14:05,35#,RP&BD
    Jill H. 13:28,30#,RP&BD
    Mary H. 13:10,20#,RP&BD
    Meggan L. 14:10,25#,RP&BD
    Karen S. 15:07,20#,RP&BD

    RP&BD=ring pull-ups + banded dips


  3. 12:15 EXP

    Seba A. 13:52,20#,RP&BD
    Rob C. 12:58,50#,RP&BD
    Meredith H. 13:49,20#,RP&BD
    Joe M. 14:20,35#,RP&strict dips
    Nicole R. 13:46,15/20,RP&BD
    Ina S. 13:09,15#,RP&BD

    RP&BD=ring pull-ups & banded dips


  4. Steph c 8:17(4 rds 20# one arm, 10 bent over rows, 5 box jumps)
    Anvesh 18:05(35,par,rr)*
    Ron N 12:17(bar mu)

    Noel 21:48(25)*
    Dave 17:30*
    Julie 19:39*
    Beth 15:12(15)*
    Mike r 15:10(35)*
    Ranjith(14:25 20
    Ravi 18:33(35)
    Phani 18:38(25)
    Sai 15:40(20)

  5. * for Ravi, ranjith, phani, sai
    *= 2:1 dips and pull ups

  6. 4:30

    Alicia-Marie 17:38 35# pu/dip
    Oscar 16:27 50# pu(strict)/dip
    Mike Re 13:24 35#
    Ryan S 15:28 45# JMU/KaMU
    Matt C 17:03 45# 6MU/JMU
    Stacy 14:36 20# pu/dip
    Rita 15:40 20# pu/dip
    Giuls 15:15 35# 20 DBS(right arm only) pu(strict)/dip
    Josh Mc 13:25 45# pu(strict)/dip

  7. 530

    Keithie 12:44 Rx
    Josh P 17:23,45#/jmua
    Rachel 18:47 trans + dip
    Jen S 16:58 25#, 10 pu + 10 dip (bnd)
    Alona 16:05 jmu
    Marissa 13:35 30#, 10 PU (bnd) + 10 dips (bnd)
    Jen R 15:10 15#, 10 PU (bnd) + 10 paralette dips

