
W.O.D. 9.8.16

Teams of 2 
10 Rounds for time of:
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
20 Pistols
30 Box Jumps

(one athlete works at a time)

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex 110 C DeKalb. Please meet and park there.

“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.” 
 ― Amit Ray


  1. 6/7am
    Jason/Identical twin 34:27 scale
    Theresa/Manisha 27:41 scale
    King/Laura Alt 23:45 (king sc pistols)
    Jeff B/ Mike Sim 27:59 scale
    Angelo/Kevin B 29:17 scale
    Joe C/Jonathon P 28:23 (Joe box pistols)
    James S 24:02 (5 rounds scaled)

  2. 9:30a

    JP/DD - 23:02 24"/20" JP-RR
    Mary/Nicole R - cap 30:00 scale
    Kevin/Jill H - 30:57 24"/20" Jill- Pull-ups
    Nicole M/Meggan 31:23 17"/band Pistols to box
    Katie/Jess A/Emma - 30:00 cap 17"/13" band, pistols to box

  3. 12:15pm

    Andrew/Pam G - 20:55 - A-17" one leg pistol
    Tim/Joe - 30cap (9rds40reps) 20"/20" pistol rom
    Meredith/ Karen - 27:48 13"/17" pistol rom, band
    Amy/Sarah G - 30 cap (7rds25reps) 13"/20 jpg, pistol rom

  4. masters 1:00
    Barb Z
    -----5 rounds 58 reps
    20 Minute AMRAP
    15 Pull-up
    30 Pistols
    30 Box Jumps

  5. 630

    Steph + Lindsey 30:14, reg PU, sc pistols
    Esra + TJ 8+35 band/reg PU, scaled pistols
    Mike C + Matt E 30:40 scaled pistols
    Dave + Mr. Rachel 8+7 Rx/pistols to ball + 25
    Phani+Ravi+Ranjith 9 scaled


  6. 4:30/5:30
    Marge/Sean29:05 Ball pistol SC/PU
    Anne/Nooshi/Ina 30:41 9 Rds, Scale
    Tori/Nicole N 30 Min CAP 8 Rds, Pistol ROM PU

    Christine S/ Pam V 7 Rds, 30 Min CAP SC
    Matt C/ Josh P 27:38 Rx/ pistols sc
    Michael Roth/ Neil 30 CAP 7 Rds +43 scale
    Ale/ Shawna/ Twinnie - 9 Rounds 29:58 Sc
    Mark/Rich 19:54 Scale Pistol/Rx
    Alicia/Josh 28:27 ROM pistol
