
W.O.D. 9.15.16

3 Rounds of:
5 Minute AMRAP
50 Kettlebell Swings (35#/53#)
20 Calories on the Air Bike
20 Push-ups
Rest 5 Minutes between Rounds

Cash out:
Accumulate 1:00 Minute of L-Sit Hold

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” 
– Audrey Hepburn


  1. Rx unless noted

    Mike Sim 318
    King 321
    Jeff Ball
    Alona 243
    Angelo 227
    Dana D 261
    Kevin B 275 43#kb

    Laura Alt. 309
    Paul D 252
    Lauren H 263
    Kate K 219
    Ashleigh 231 (snake pu)
    James 123 (25kbs@35#)

  2. 8:30a Competitors class
    Aimee 315 RX
    Cate 353 RX
    Gordy 🙂
    Bekah 227 RX
    Steph V 238 RX
    Jenna 238 (snake)

    Nicole R 194 25# snake
    Karen 219 35#/26# snake
    Nicole M 206 26# snake
    Emma 208 26# snake
    Jill H 246 snake

  3. 12:15 and Masters 1:00
    Sarah 288 row 26#
    Pam 332 Rx
    Lucy Q 206 26#
    Joe C 265 rx
    Rich A 332 Rx
    Tim H 241 53/44/44 snake
    Meredith 230 26# snake

    Jodilee 222 35/35/26
    Terry 236 10# DB PP
    Mom 203 18#
    Dad 215 35/35/26#

  4. 4:30
    Anne B 232 18#
    Mike R 234 44#
    Kevin (drop in) 350 Rx
    Mike M 212 35#
    Katie 214 26#
    Ravi 214 26#
    Maggie 307 Rx
    TJ 244 44#
    Jess A 237 26#

  5. 5:30

    Sean S 269 Rx
    Brian T 247 Rx
    Shawna 230 Rx
    Sermed 222 35#
    Christine S 231 26#
    Alejandra 213 ?
    Pam 204 18#


    Matt C 331 44
    Matt E 248 Rx
    Swift Fox 265 mod
    Erika 227 mod
    Nate 256 44
    Cline 254 44
