
W.O.D. 9.12.16

3 RM Front Squat

take 70% of your 3 RM and do 1:00 Minute of Front Squats for max Reps
(try not to put the barbell down!)

Cash out: 
AMRAP in 5 Minutes: 
5 Hand Stand Push-ups 
10 Wallballs 14/20 to 9/10ft

or (compare to 6.15.16)

“Few of us ever live in the present. We are forever anticipating what is to come or remembering what has gone.” 
 ― Louis L'Amour


  1. 6am
    Mike Sa 155PR/15 @108, 3+19 10GHD for HSPU
    Theresa 125/16 @90, 5+1 1Abm
    Manisha 95/15@65/15@65, 4 15#db Sit press
    Katie 80Pr/13@55, 4+3 10#/20#DB Sit Press
    Sarah W 110/15@75, 3+6 12#/2Abm
    Briana 175/17@125, 6+5 Box
    Kevin B 185/20@135, 4+1RX
    Laura A 135/20@95, 3 2Abm
    Ben M 155/14@108, 3+8 30#DbSitPress
    Mike Si 225/15@145, 3+2Rx

    Phani 115PR, 11@85, 4 14#/30#DBSitPress
    Angelo 280PR, 10@ 195, 2+2 Rx
    Nicole M 110PR, 16@75 2Abm/12#
    Sharon 135, 13@85, :) 25#DBSitpress/10#

  2. 9:30a
    Mary H. 105# PR! (13 @75#) 3+2 12#/2AB
    Kevin H 225# PR! (16@155#) 5+13 20#/25# DB
    Rakia 128# to ball PR! (15@83#) 4+3 10#/10# DB
    Jill H. 138# PR! (15@95#) 4+7 14#/20# DB

    PR Party!!

  3. 12:15
    Meggan 123/16@85, 4+5 20db sit press
    Cate 165/20@115,5+1rx
    Panos 225/17@155, :)
    Karen m 155pr/17@105, 5 20db sit press
    Meredith 135/12@100, 4+13 abms
    Jon pa 295/14@225, 6+1rx

  4. 3:30
    John mc 210 pr! 17 reps @ 147
    Cash out
    Tabata air bike/front squat

  5. 4:30
    Jenna 135 (17@95) 3 + 10 2AB
    Jule 135 (19@95) 3 2AB
    Ryan 190 PR!(15@65) 4 AB
    Jess A 90 PR! (15 @65) 2 + 7 15#
    Justin H 245 (16 @ 170) 3+3 Rx
    Maggie 185 (17 @ 135) 4 + 6 Rx
    Mike R 205 (18 @ 145) 3+3 Rx

  6. 5:30
    Keith 335 (15@235#) 5 + 13 Rx
    Luke 220 (12 @ 155) 2 +10 sc
    JillA 165 (18 @ 115) 4 + 11 Rx
    Twinnie 125 PR! (20@ 85#) 4 + 5 2AB
    Alicia 120 PR (16 @ 85) 5 2AB
    Matt C 220 PR! (15 @155) 4 + 2 Rx
    Diane 175 (17@115) 5 sc
    Mariana 125 Pr (17@85) 5 + 3 2 AB
    Therese 105 (15@70#) 4 sc
    Shawna 120 PR! (17@ 85#) 4 20#DB
    Alejandra 120 PR (17@85#) 4 + 6 sc
    Pam V 55# (12@35#) 4 sc
    Mark S 195 20 @ 135# 4 2 AB
    Alex T 90 (24@ 33#) 5 + 1 sc
    Rob C 225 (170@ 155) 3 + 5 sc

  7. 6:30 PM
    Michael Roth 175 PR (17@125) 5 25 DB 14 # WB
    Josh 245 PR! (15 @ 173.5) 3 Rx
    Genesis 78 (20@53) 5 14#/12 # DB
    Rita 78 (15@ 58) 4 + 5 15 DB/10 WB
    TJ 105 (13 @ 75#) 4+5 2 AB 18#
    Dave 245 (18@ 175) 2 Rds 2 AB
    Danielle 155 PR (14@ 105) 4 + 7 3 AB
    Michael C 145 PR! (21@ 100) 3 + 14 3 AB
    Christa 75# (12 @55) 4 rds 8/8 WB/DB
    Erik F 215 (15@ 255#) 4 35# DB
    Ben 225 PR! (17 @ 157.5) 3 +14sc
    Cline 205 (16@145) 3 + 12 30#
    Nate 160 (15 @110) 3 + 13 2 AB
