
W.O.D. 8.29.16

We are getting ready for our NEXT Fall Into Fitness On-Ramp Program for new members...Please let your friends know, this is a GREAT deal to get in the door at CFKOP!
CLICK HERE to sign up today.

For time:
15 Power Snatch (95/135#)
800 Meter Run
15 Clean and Jerks (95/135#)

"Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves."
-Henry David Thoreau


 "Bring Sally UP!"


  1. 6a
    Mike Sa 9:10 85/95
    Theresa 8:49 65/85
    Kevin b 6:55 85/105
    Ellie 8:48 55/75
    Katie 12:22 55
    Manisha 9:00 45/65
    Ben m 10:38 75/85
    Matt r 10:48 75/95

    Angelo 7:20 85/105

  2. 9:30 AM
    Dana 11:28 75/95
    Meggan 10:41 65/65
    Sarah 11:27 50/65
    Amy 12:36 23/23
    Karen 11:06 45/55
    Jackie 11:25 Rx
    Jess A 10:14 55/55
    Jill H 12:01 75/95
    Emma 11:49 45/45

  3. Pam 8:06 85/95
    Tim h 75/95/1.5m bike
    Meredith 9:41 55
    Rob c 8:29rx

  4. Luke 8:49 95
    Maggie 9:51 Rx
    Lauren h 10:42 85/95
    Josh p 8:23 105
    Lucy 10:18 35/45
    Shawna 11:58 65
    Kyle 12:11 10r/10l with 20/row
    Rich a 7:25 Rx
    Therese 11:15 35/65
    Laura a 7:28 85

  5. Ryan A 10:52 Rx
    Steph C 10:24 65/75
    Kris 10:59 75
    Chris D 7:40 115
    Nate 10:13 75/105
    Borden 8:27 105
    Danielle 10:15 65/95
    Cline 8:52 115/135
    Jon at 6:12 115


  6. 3:30
    Jonathan P 7:34 Rx
    Matt C 9:17 115/125#
    Pam V 9:30 400 M Run/ 15#
    Mike M 10:05 95#
    John Mc 7:27 40# DB Squat Clean/35# DB Snatch

  7. 4:30

    sorry guys forgot to take picture of results but this is what I remember.

    Jill 65/95
    Mike R 11:00ish 100
    Samson 10:33 105
    Sean S 8:20 95
    Matt B 8:27 Rx
    nicole 12:09 45/55
    Alicia-Marie 10:33 65
    Gordy 115
