
Beat The Streets Fundraiser


What is Beat the Streets?

Since 2010, Steve’s Club National Program has been helping kids BEAT THE STREETS by providing fitness, nutrition and mentorship to at-risk and underserved youth. By partnering with CrossFit affiliates nationwide, SCNP creates a safe haven for kids and teens who need a positive influence and a supportive environment. Each September, gyms across the country ban together for a fundraising effort known as: BEAT THE STREETS. CrossFit King of Prussia has had Steve's Club program since 2011!!!

Please join us on Friday September, 30th in all classes and a special edition at 5:30PM for this workout! Friends and Family are welcome, ALL AGES also welcome.  Suggested donation $25.

Our September Check in will also benefit this program. Stay tuned for more details #checkinforcharity #isupportstevesclub
Partner WOD, AMRAP 15min:

One person holding a plate overhead (45/25/10#) while the other person completes:
  • 12 Front Squats (135/95/65#)
  • 12 Burpees
Switch partners and continue.
Can't start the movement until the plate is overhead. If plate drops, movement stops.
Score is total # of reps.
* Two athletes per team, any combination of male and female, adult and youth.

* Each athlete must do an equal number of reps.


  • The team’s score is the total number of repetitions completed in 15 minutes.
  • Every rep counts, and credit should be given for partially completed rounds.
  • It is recommended that L1 Trainers and/or experienced CrossFitters judge Rx teams and use the downloadable score sheet, found here.

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