
W.O.D. 7.5.16

 As Many Reps as Possible in 5 Minutes of Body Weight Back Squat. 

Then immediately after: 
15 Minute Clock Starts

 You must run 800m then with remaining time 

As Many Rounds as possible of: 
5 Wallballs (14/20# to 10/11ft)
5 Pull Ups 

Your score is Reps of Back Squats + Rounds. 

"Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage by considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them; every day begin the task anew."
-Francis De Sales


  1. Theresa 31(115)/ 10+1 rx
    Lauren c 33(115)/ 7 rom
    Kevin 35 (170)/ 10+5 rx
    Manisha 21(90)/ 10+8 (9') rom
    Briana 17/8 rx
    Justin 13(200)/ 5+5 rom
    James 15(45) to box/ 3 (14# to 8) rom/ 400m run

    Sarah grace 26(85)/ 5+5 rom on last wb (10#/10)

  2. 9:30am
    Jonathan S- 46(155)/ 6+5 14#wb, band
    Jess A- 21(105) 5+5 12#wb, RR
    Brian S- 31(225) 17"box/ 6+3 20#wb, RR
    Bekah M- 25/ 8+1 RX!
    Mike Ro.- 43(135)/ 10+5 14#wb
    Luis M- 40(185)\ 6+6 14#wb
    Jill Hi.- 22(125)/ 6+8 14#wb

  3. 12:15pm
    Mike Sim 34(205) 10+2 Rx
    Tim H 25(185) 9 rounds
    Pam G 36(140) 13+8 Rx
    Denise 42(125) 5+8
    Karen 36(135) 7, band
    Joe M 26(115), 7
    Mike I 33(135), 5+8
    Ashley M 41(105), 7
    Erika 25(98), 8+3
    Meredith 23(105), 6+3

    MASTERS 1:00pm
    5mins back squat AMRAP
    400m run
    ~remaining 10mins: 5wb 5pullup for rounds
    Kevin 25(135#), 4 rounds
    Terry 40(PJ#53), 6 rounds
    Gigi 53(35#), 4rounds
    Aimee's Dad 43(83#), 4 rounds
    Jodilee 40(83#) 5 rounds

  4. 4:30 pm
    Rich A 63, 12+4 Rx
    Giulz 32, 10 Rx
    Mike M 32 (120#), 6 rounds (14#wb)
    Erik 25, 5+2 Rx
    Matt C 40, 8+4 Rx
    Meggan 35(95#), 6+5 (band, 12#wb, row)
    Steph C 30(75#), 5+3 Rx
    Josh P 30(175#), 9+1 Rx
    Dr. Intensity 18, 8+1 band

    Marck Stipa 40(135), 7+5 14#rom
    Therese 35(70), 7 (10# to 9') 500m run
    Alejandra 35(85#), 5+4 10"wb
    Dana D 44, 11 rounds Rx

  5. 6:30pm
    Alan 34(55), 5+5, 8#wb, RR
    Rehman 27(75), 5+3, 14#wb band
    Ryan A 34(275 Rx), 7 rounds, 1 mile bike
    Rob C 35(185 Rx), 5+5 Rx
    Rachel 43 (175Rx), 11+5 Rx
    Mike C- 33(115), 8Rx
    Nicole 25(90#), 7 rnd 12#w.b.
    Matt B 21(225#Rx), 8+1 Rx
    Neil 30(205#), 6+5 RR
    Nate 22(135#), 8+2
    Matt E 20(225#Rx), 6+7 Rx

  6. Julie R 32 @ 115; 7+7 Rx
    Chris D 26 @ 175 Rx; 14+1 (14#)
