
W.O.D. 7.24.16

Push Jerk

AMRAP in 15 minutes:
30 Double Unders
10 Push Jerks (95/135#)
5 Pull-ups

Community Notes:
All classes today will be held in the Annex- 110 C DeKalb, meet and park there.

“We May Encounter Many Defeats But We Must Not Be Defeated.”
- Maya Angelou

1 comment:

  1. Mike S 115-125-135; 3+38 (85#)
    Anne B 73-83-83; 5 (63#, band)
    Jen S 75-85-95; 5+44 (65#, su)
    Alona 95-105-115; 5+33 (85#)
    DD 95-105-115; 4+43 (75#)

    Matt E 155-165-185; 4+43 (115#)
    Gordy 135-165-185; 6+35 (115#)
    Nicole 70-80-85; 5+40 (50#)
    Raj 125-135-160; 4+17 (band)
    Luis 165-195-205 PR!; 4 (15 DU)
