
Check in for Charity

Our first #checkinforcharity #raiseyourheart was a HUGE success and we can't wait for July!
Each time members of CrossFit King of Prussia checked in to the gym and completed a workout CFKOP donated .10 to CHOP-Cardiac. Friday night we hosted a YOGA event (Vinyasa and Vino) in culmination of the month and raised $1,000 dollars in total! 
Thank you all for your generosity!

and now... JULY's Check in for Charity: 

July’s Charity is the Mazzoni Center for LGBTQ health and well being. The Mazzoni Center’s mission is to provide quality comprehensive health and wellness services in an LGBTQ-focused environment, while preserving the dignity and improving the quality of life of the individuals they serve. The center has been providing health care, counseling and recovery, HIV prevention and care, legal and training and resource services to the Philadelphia community for over 35 years. 

 Be sure to check in every time you are at the gym and use the hash tags #forgingeliteequality and #checkinforcharity.

Thank you for helping us promote CFKOP and give to a good cause at the same time! Every time you check into CrossFit King of Prussia on Facebook or Instagram in the month of July we will add .10 cents to the Mazzoni Center. 

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