
W.O.D. 6.30.16

5 rounds for time of: 
50 Double-unders 
15 Push Jerks 75/115#
15 burpees 
50 Double-unders 
Rest 2 minutes

Community Notes:
Join us on Monday, July 4th at 10:00 AM for a FREE Friends and Family workout at CrossFit King of Prussia. Any and all abilities are welcome, please bring someone new to check out the gym. 

Success is never final and failure never fatal. It's courage that counts. 
 - George F. Tilton


  1. 6/7
    Mike Sim 30:24 Rx
    Jeff B 28:46 Rx
    Briana K 29:15 Rx
    Danielle G 31:06 (65#, 25DUA)
    Ellie H 33:53 (65#)
    Matt Ry 37:20 (95#)
    Kevin B 33:25 (85#, 25DU)
    Justin D 35:21 (3rounds@85#, 30DUatt)
    Abby 37:41 (60#, 35DUA)
    Terri M 38:55 (55#, 30DUA

    Ashley Mc 36:22 Rx
    Matt B 38:25 (95#)
    Nick C 32:33 (95#)

  2. 9:30am
    Aimee 23:42 Rx
    Jenna 35:30 55#
    Casey 38:00 45# SU
    Rob C. 36:10 (2 rounds Rx, 3 rounds 20DU)
    Alison 38:55 Rx
    Emma 40:37 150SU #35
    Katie 44:38 150SU 35#
    Heather 32:26 15DU 35#

  3. 12:15
    Kendall- 32:22 45# DUA (first 15 dubs!!!!)
    Sarah W- 30:08- 45# 90SU
    Tim H- 19:08 (3 rounds) 75# 5 DUA
    Pam G- 32:17 Rx
    Fayth- 32:43 55# 25 dubs
    Joe- 33:15 (10DU, last 2 rands 90 SU, 75#)
    Meredith- 33:13 45# 90SU
    Steph C- 34:31 55# 25DUA

  4. Masters
    5 Rounds for Time
    1:00 minute DUA's
    10 PJ
    10 Burpees
    1:00 min DUA's
    2 mins rest

    Kevin 28:15 75#
    Jodilee 27:31 45#
    Gigi 24:00 23#
    Aimee's Dad 29:20 35#
    Terry 29:20 35#
    Bill 4.5 rounds (30min cap), 30#

  5. 4:30pm
    Tori E 36:02 20/15/10 DU, 45#
    Patrick P 40:30 105#
    Anne B 36:39 15DU, 40#
    Jen S 27:40 (3RDS 55#, DUA 20)
    Alona K 28:40 (3RDS 65#)
    Jill H 39:41 (30DU, 55#)
    TJ 26:02 (15DU, 75#)
    Nicole N 35:22 45#

  6. Molly 27:01 45#' 10 dubs
    Raj 33:35 25#
    Matt E 36:42, 115#
    Erik 31:95 95#, 10 DUA
    Kelsey 18:49 Rx
    Alan 19:26, 3 rds sc
    Lindsey 25:11, 55#, 15 dubs

    Thanks for dropping in Kelsey. We love your dad and good luck at the CrossFit Games!


  7. 530

    Therese 32:40, 35# 1 min DUA
    Mariana 32:40, 55# 1 min DUA
    Giulia 27:10 Rx
    Dana d 30:45, 65#, 30 dubs
    Josh Mc 30:30, 95# 30 dubs
    Shawna 36:48 55#, 1 min row
    Alejandra 27:46, 45# 15 dubs
    Drew L 31:45, 95# 15 dubs
    Ryan S 31:20 95#, 30 dubs

    Giulz for yes coach Aimee

  8. Track Workout:
    Timed 400m Run for the board bragging rights.

    Matt Coyle 1:07
    John McH 1:10
    Dave N 1:12
    John Luckini 1:13
    Alex R 1:14
    Justin R 1:15.5
    Ashley Mc 1:16
    Borden 1:15.5
    Flounder 1:20
    Kristin Ly. 1:31
    Alona 1:36
    Jill H 1:37
    Jen S 1:47

    Then: A time domain based 3x(70sec/35sec/15sec) on grass!
    Rest 2:00 in between each interval
    Cash Out.....4min Jog....TABATA SPRINTS
