
W.O.D. 3.4.16

Beginning on a 4-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
  25 toes-to-bars
  50 double-unders
  15 squat cleans, 135 / 85 lb.

If completed before 4 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
  25 toes-to-bars
  50 double-unders
  13 squat cleans, 185 / 115 lb.

If completed before 8 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
  25 toes-to-bars
  50 double-unders
  11 squat cleans, 225 / 145 lb.

If completed before 12 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
  25 toes-to-bars
  50 double-unders
  9 squat cleans, 275 / 175 lb.

If completed before 16 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
  25 toes-to-bars
  50 double-unders
  7 squat cleans, 315 / 205 lb.

Stop at 20 minutes.

Click here for the score card and scaled and masters standards.

This workout begins with the athlete standing under the pull-up bar. At the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,” the athlete will have 4 minutes to perform 25 toes-to-bars, followed by 50 double-unders, and then 15 squat cleans. If all 90 repetitions are not completed by 4 minutes the athlete’s workout is over, and they will stop and record their score.

If all 90 repetitions are completed within the 4-minute window the athlete will earn an additional 4 minutes to perform another 25 toes-to-bars, 50 double-unders, and 13 squat cleans, this time at a heavier weight. If all 178 repetitions (90 from round 1, plus 88 from round 2) are completed by the 8-minute mark, the athlete will begin another round and their time cap will be extended by an additional 4 minutes. At each round, the weight of the clean will increase while the number of reps of the clean will decrease. Once a round is completed, the athlete may immediately begin their next round. They do not need to wait for the 4-minute round to end before moving on to the next round. This pattern of earning additional time will continue for up to 20 minutes, as long as a full round is completed before the next cutoff.

This workout is over when the athlete fails to complete all the repetitions within the cut-off time for that round. The final round ends at the 20-minute mark. The athlete’s score is the number of repetitions completed up to their cut-off time.

In this workout, another person may assist the athlete in changing the plates on the barbell during the workout, or multiple barbells may be used.

The scoring for this workout includes a tiebreak. At the end of each set of double-unders, time should be marked. When you submit your final result, your score will be the number of reps completed. There will be another field in which you will enter the elapsed time at which you completed your last set of double-unders. In the case where 2 athletes have the same score (total number of reps), the athlete with the lower tiebreak time will be ranked higher.

If all 5 rounds are completed in under 20 minutes, enter the time at which the last rep of the cleans was completed, as this will be used for the tiebreak score, not the time of completing the double-unders.

Note: All tiebreak times must be reported in elapsed time, not in time remaining. If you are using a countdown timer, you must convert to elapsed time before reporting your score. For this reason, it is recommended you set your clock to count up.

"Life is not a dress rehearsal. Stop practicing what you’re going to do and just go do it. In one bold stroke you can transform today."
-Marilyn Grey


  1. 6am/7am

    TP 166, 7:15
    LP 169, 6:26
    Jeff B 167, 7:25Mike Si 165 7:55
    Theresa L 81, 2:38
    Kevin B 31Rx
    Mike S 24
    Alex R 13

    SC (as prescribed)
    Ly 224
    Justin D 86, 2:00
    Ben M 85, 1:07SC
    Alex R 177, 4:27

    Steve B 81 @75
    Shari 261 @35

  2. Kevin's score was 31 double unders for a total of 56

  3. 9:30AM
    Katie M 83, sc, 1:55
    Karen S 90 sc, 2:09
    Jackie Rx 21
    Cate Rx 174 6:30
    Manisha Rx 5
    Jess A 90 sc, 2:10
    Kevin A 20 Rx
    Mary H 90 sc, 1:45
    Bekah 84 Rx 3:00

  4. 12:15 and masters
    Jason L 86 Rx
    Dave H Rx 166, 7:35
    Tim H Rx 2
    John Mc Rx 47
    Mike I scaled :) 95#
    Alex L Rx 154, 1:50
    Erika L Rx 54
    Jessi S 103 sc 65#
    Pam Rx 165
    Meggan sc 178 4:57
    Lucy Q 171 sc
    Pete W Rx 171
    Karen M 126 sc
    Jon P 152 rx
    Jodilee 86 sc
    Terry 87 sc
    Barb 75 sc

  5. Technically, it was 14. Whoever got super excited and started a leaderboard last night forgot about the 14th rep I got.

  6. Ryan A 5 RX 88 Sc
    Jenna 11RX
    Sarah W 169 Sc 5:52
    Giulia 89 RX 2:14
    Jill A 163RX 2:17
    Rich A 247RX 5:55
    Jill H 261Sc 10:15
    Jonathan S 9 RX 262 Sc
    Roman 87 RX 2:30
    Regi 168 RX 6:48
    Justin 166 RX 7:51
    Mike T 172 RX 6:21
    Laura A 168 RX 6:58
    Mike C 74 RX
    Alona 64 RX
    Dave N 86 RX 2:34
    Christine 81 Sc
    Zak K 89 RX
    Therese 256 Sc 10:32
    Matt E 80 RX
    Steph V 342 Sc
    Silver Fox 80 RX 2:53
    Luke 24 RX
    Ryan S 89 RX 1:45
    JNA 171 Sc 5:45
    Jason B 87 RX 2:22
    Bri 79 RX 3:30
    Mariana 253 Sc 9:54
    Brian T 81 RX 2:38
    Alejandra 12 RX
    Jen S 8 RX
    CJ B 65 RX
    Jill H 258 Sc 9:30
    Dana D 84 RX 2:42
    Alicia Marie 39 RX
    Diana 32 RX
    Jen S 259 10:04
    Steph C 56 RX
    Fayth 256 9:29
    Ash M 342 13:54
    Steve Z 88 Sc
    Steph Mc 256 10:11 Sc
    Melissa 165 Sc 7:45
    Faby 167 RX 7:32
    Michal 1:33 RX
    Veronica 176 RX
    Julie R 12 Rx
    Amanda 26 RX
    Rachel 175 RX 6:38
    Matt B 77 RX
    Vania 259 Sc 9:44
    Kris 177 Sc 5:53
    Caitlyn 165 5:42
    Mike R 51 RX

  7. Aimee 263 RX 10:08
    Clay 1172 RX 6:40
    Keithie 171 RX 7:10
    Chris D 261Sc 8:43
    Danielle 246 Sc 9:43
    Shawna 46 RX
    Flounder 59 RX
    Erik F 259 Sc 10:25

  8. Second Chance Sunday:

    Shawna P 47
    Steph C 66
    Mike S 51
    Dave N 103 (split 2:04)

    Nice job to Kevin and Michael who also came out!
    Nice Job everyone!

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