
W.O.D. 3.20.16

"The Original" 

 As Many Reps as Possible in 5 Minutes of Body Weight Back Squat. 

Then immediately after: 
15 Minute Clock Starts 

You must run 800m then with remaining time 
As Many Rounds as possible of: 
5 Box Jumps (20/24")
5 Pull Ups 

Score is total Reps of Back Squats + Rounds

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex 110 C DeKalb Street. Please meet and park there. 

You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind. 
 - Unknown

1 comment:

  1. Kris 28 (85) + 10 (jump pu)
    Ellie 56 (100) + 13 (3 pullups)
    Mike S 35 (115) + 9 RX
    Heather 35 (55) + 10 (jump pu, 17")

    Rob 37 (165) + 8 RX
    Ryan 15 (225) + 8 RX
    Kate 40 (45) + 11 sc
    Bob 41 (115) + 8 (17")
    Ashley 30 (105) + 9 (22", 3 pu)
    Theresa 43 (105) + 16 RX
    Danielle 41 (115) + 15 (jump pu)
    Anne 50 (63) + 8 sc
    Sheila 55 (63) + 8 (jump pu)
    SuJin 32 (113) + 11 (17")
    Jonathan 50 (185 RX) + 10 RX
    Mark 30 (195 RX) + 11 (sc pu)
