
W.O.D. 2.4.16

15 Rep Max Overhead Squat

Take as many sets as necessary to get to your 15 Rep Overhead Squat

Strict Pull-up
3 sets of 7 reps

Community Notes:
Join Giulia at 9AM on Saturday, February 6th for the CrossFit Efficiency series 13.1
This session will cover the technique for the Snatch and the burpee.  You will also compete workout 13.1.

“One person's craziness is another person's reality.”
 ― Tim Burton


  1. 6/7am
    Justin D 45#
    Kevin B 115#
    Matt Ry 65#
    Mike Sim 135#
    Mike S 75#
    King 115#
    Manisha 45# (14reps@50#)
    Theresa 75#
    Brianna K 85#
    Laura Alt. 115# (sub back squats)

  2. 8:30 AM
    Jill A 105
    Bekah 83
    Aimee 130
    Jenna 55
    Gordy 95

    9:30 AM
    TJ 33
    Jill H (40 to ball)
    Sarah W 35
    Heather G 15 (to ball plus 45# plate)
    Darcy 25# (to ball plus 45# Plate)
    Karen 30# (ball to 25#)

    Shane 115 (14 @ 140#)
    Brandon 20 (to ball and plates)
    Mike I 75
    Tim H 25
    Pam 75
    Rob C 105
    Scott 85
    Matt C 125
    Denise 75

    1:00 Masters (10 RM OHS)
    Jodilee 30#
    Kevin 95#
    Terry 30#

  3. 4:30/5:30
    JZ 95
    Anne B 40 (box plus plate)
    Regi 115
    Olan 105
    Alicia 35
    Alejandra 45
    Barb C 40
    Keith B 175
    Jonathan B 135
    Ben 105
    Erik F 65

    Tim P 135
    Flounder 110
    Shawna 65
    Lucy Q 30
    Alex R 58

  4. 630

    Cline 115#
    Dave 135#
    Mike 70# ball
    Lauren 95#
    Jess A 45# ball + 25
    Ash 35# ball + 25
    Nate 55#

