
W.O.D. 2.28.16

Shoulder Press
Strict Pull-up

Cash out:
Toes to Bar
Box Jumps 20/24"
Wallball 14/20" to 9/10 ft

Community Notes:
All classes today will be held in the ANNEX. Please meet and park there.

GOOD LUCK to masters lifters Giulia, Aimee, Gordy, Sarah and Miranda competing to qualify for an international meet at CrossFit KoP today from 9AM-12PM. 

Childbirth is more admirable than conquest, more amazing than self-defense, and as courageous as either one.
-Gloria Steinem

1 comment:

  1. Ashley 60, banded; 9:39 t2b attempts

    Amanda 62.5 (65 4x), banded; 10:17 knee raises
    Heather 35 (40 3x), banded; 11:59 knee raises, 10# wb

    Thanks to Green Team members Silver Fox, Steve Z, and Mike S for coming out to complete 16.1 and for Purple Crush Amanda and Switzerland Ben for supporting and helping out! Nice way to spend a Sunday morning :)
