
W.O.D. 2.18.16

90 Double Unders
9 Squat Snatches 105/155#
9 Burpees over the bar
80 Double Unders
8 Squat Snatches 105/155#
8 Burpees over the bar
70 Double Unders
7 Squat Snatches 105/155#
7 Burpees over the bar

What you tell yourself every day will either lift you up or tear you down. 


  1. 6am
    Abby 13:25 1/2du 35
    Mike si 20:09 95
    Mike s 20:09 75%du 65
    Jeff b 13:51 75
    Laura a 13:38 95cln
    Briana 19:00 85
    Theresa l 15:28 55
    Kevin b 13:40 85/1/2du
    Matt r 15::55 75
    Sue k 13:40 40

    Pete 13:18 115
    Alex l 15:56 95

  2. 9:30 AM
    Jill H 20:59 40#
    Mike R 15:53 53#
    Jonathan S 15:55 45# (2:00min dua)
    Karen 15:55 22#/ 13" box (2:00min dua)
    TJ 16:25 35# (2:00min dua)
    Emma 17:05 22# (2:00min dua)
    Darcy 16:28 35# (2:00min dua)
    Heather 18:34 22# 1/2 DU

    Bekah 16:19 65#
    Pam 16:59 65#
    Therese 11:41 65#/PC (2:00min dua)
    John Mc 14:21 85# (2:00min dua)
    Rob C 12:00 85# (2:00min dua)
    Seba 12:20 22#
    Sarah W 14:16 45# (2:00min dua)

    Masters 1:00
    2:00 DUA
    2:00 AMRAP 5 Snatch 5 burpees
    2:00 rest

    Barb 51 @25#
    Terry 49 @35#
    Kevin 42 @ 75#
    Jodilee 45 @ 35#

  3. 4:30/5:30
    Olan 17:03 95# rom
    Justin R 13:26 95
    Regi 16:40 Rx
    Josh P 13:10 85#
    Shane 15:01 105#
    Kevin H 12:52 33#
    Dave H 12:05 105#
    Jen (drop in) 13:30 22# (2 mins of DUA)
    Ashley 12:46 22# (2 mins of DUA)
    Alicia 14:40 35# (2 mins of DUA)
    Patrick P 16:01 75#
    Lucy "hook grip" Q 13:30 35# (2 mins of DUA)

    Alona 19:14 55# (200 DU)
    Jen S 11:51 55# (2 mins of DUA)
    Keith 15:28 Rx
    Sarmed 16:00 55# (2 mins of DUA)
    Melissa 16:25 55# (2 mins of DUA)
    Stephanie M 16:40 35# (2 mins of DUA)
    Shawna 16:09 55# (2 mins of DU)
    Ryan 16:53 1/2 du 105#
    Mariana 12:47 35# (2 mins of DUA)

  4. CFKOP iPadFebruary 18, 2016 at 7:32 PM

    Kenton 12:16 Rx
    Dave 18:32 105#
    Raj 16:02 54# 1/2 dua
    Steph C 15:46 35# 1/2 dua
    Danielle 12:27 45# 1/2 dua
    Luke 17:55 95# power 1/2 dubs
    Brian T 12:51 85# power 60 dubs/rd
    Erika 13:12 sc
    Matt E 18:13 105#
    Jess A 14:52, 45#, 1/2 dua
    Rachel 13:08 Rx
    Alex (drop in) 15:07 95#

