
W.O.D. 1.18.16

2016 Beat the Streets Partner Workout: 
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible (AMRAP) in 12 minutes of: 
20 Shoulder to Overhead (95/135#)
30 Power Cleans (95/135#)
40 Burpees

Beat the Streets is our annual fundraiser for Steve's Club King of Prussia, a chapter of the Steve's Club National Program (www.stevesclub.org). 

Steve's Club King of Prussia provides free CrossFit classes, Olympic weightlifting and Powerlifting to disadvantaged youth of all ages. 

The workout is open to the local CrossFit community and all ages are welcome to participate. The suggested donation is $25, or you could sponsor an athlete for a month for $100. Even small donations are welcome. 

 Two athletes per team, any combination of male and female, adult and youth. One athlete works at a time, and each athlete must do an equal number of reps. For example, each athlete must do 10 Shoulder to Overhead, breaking them up any way they want, to get to the team total of 20 (partner A can do 10 reps and partner B can then do 10 reps; or partner A can do 5 reps, then partner B does 5 reps, then partner A does 5 reps, then partner B does the final 5 reps; etc.). An athlete’s barbell and/or feet must return to the ground before his/her partner can begin working. Scoring: The team’s score is the total number of repetitions completed in 12 minutes. Every rep counts, and credit will be given for partially completed rounds. 

 Movement Standards: The workout begins from a standing position with the barbell on the ground, loaded to the appropriate weight. One athlete will work at a time, and after each athlete has completed an equal number of reps, the team will move on to the next movement. 

Shoulder to Overhead: with the barbell starting on the ground the athlete must get it to their shoulders and then to a full lockout overhead any way possible (press or jerk). The bar must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the heels. Can be a strict press, push press, push jerk, or split jerk. 

Power Cleans: with the barbell starting on the ground the athlete must clean the bar to their shoulders. The movement is complete when the athlete's hips and knees are fully extended and elbows in front of the bar. 

Burpees: athlete’s chest and thighs must touch the ground at the bottom. At the top, athlete’s hips must reach an open position after jumping, and athlete must clap overhead with ears showing in front of arms.

Community Notes:
Giulia will be running the Pull-up Efficiency Clinic tomorrow, 1/19 at 6:30PM; all members and non members are welcome, the cost is $10 per-athlete. If you have been struggling with the kipping pull-up, butterfly kip or just need to gain strength for a strict pull-up, this session is for you. 
CLICK HERE to sign up today!

“If you wait until you can do everything for everybody, instead of something for somebody, you’ll end up not doing nothing for nobody.” 
~ Malcom Bane 


  1. 6am
    Theresa (75#)
    Manisha (55#).....2rnds + 12

    King Rx
    Ben M (55#).....2rnds + 50 (20burps per round oopsie)

    Briana K
    Nick C......1+61 Rx

  2. 9:30 AM
    Steph/Jovina/Katie 2 + 35 reps (35/95/21#)
    Mike C/ Kevin 2 + 8 (65/95#)
    Jonathan P/ Lauren 2 + 12 (135/85#)
    Tommy/Greg + Jayden/Davin 3 + 70 (75/35#)
    Jenna/Julie 1 + 74 (60/80#)
    Mary/Kevin 2 + 5 (45/90#)

  3. 4:30

    Regi/Justin R 2+28 Rx
    TJ/Ryan S/Adam 2+10 75/95/115

  4. 12:15 Express

    Jessie S + Lara A: 2+9 75#/95#
    Denise W + Kevin G: 2+12 75#/95#
    Dana D + Emma S: 2+22 75#/30#
    Tim H + Luis M: 2+14 95#
    Mike + Damian B: 2+60 Rx
    Scott M + Steve C: 2+50 Rx

    - Clay

  5. 3:30/5:30/6:30
    Mike I/Elissa 1+74 (53/75#)
    Giulia/Laura P 2+1 Rx
    Mariana/Therese 2 + 29 (53/63#/20DB)
    Brian/ Josh 2 + 30 (95#)
    Alona/Jen S 2 + 67 (75/55#)
    Zak/Kris 2 + 7 (135#/45/53#)
    Dave/Ryan A 1 + 84 Rx
    Amanda/Abby/ Danielle 1 + 84 (45/35#)

  6. Thank you to everyone who came out to Support Steve's Club KOP we raised $570 for our Non-Profit organization that helps kids stay fit and healthy! If you missed the chance to donate today, you can donate tomorrow or anytime! Your generosity is amazing!
