
W.O.D. 12.5.15

AMRAP in 22 Minutes:

10 Thrusters 105/155#
15 Burpees 
20 Kettlbell Swings 53/70#

Partner 1 performs the workout listed above. 
Partner 2 runs 400m with a sandbag (25/45#). 
When Partner 2 returns from the run, Partner 1 will grab the sandbag, and begin their 400m run, while Partner 2 continues the workout where Partner 1 left off. 

Advent day 5:
Complete the biggest set of Double Unders and/or Single Unders:

The winners are: DU Athletes: Michelle Komemi and Dan Faby 

DU Coaches: Jason Lyons and Giulia Umile 

Single Unders: Jonathan Schweiger and Rachel Spring 

Congrats to Sheila McGovern for getting her first 2 double unders and many more and also scoring a raffle ticket!

"Life is about making an impact, not making an income."
–Kevin Kruse


1 comment:

  1. 9am

    Jeff (135#) and Cline (105#, 70# russ) and Adam (95#, 44#)
    5+12 35# sandbag

    Bekah (75#, 44 Russ) and Ellie (65#, 44#)
    5+ 21


    Sarah W (45#, 26#, row)
    Danielle (65#, 35#)

    Heng (75#, 44#)
    Michael (65#, 44#)

    Matt E (135)
    Jonathan (95#, 70# russ)

